Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1238 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography




FIG. 35.21 Sirenomelia. (A) Sagittal view of fetus at 12 weeks’ gestation shows unusual angulation of lower extremity. (B) Long-axis view

of a single lower extremity. (C) In a different fetus, radiograph shows single femur (F) and single tibia (T). Note the segmented defects in the

vertebrae of the thoracic and lumbar spine (arrows).

gastrointestinal, and cardiac systems are common. Occurrence

is sporadic; caudal regression is more common in infants of

mothers with diabetes mellitus. he cause has not been established.

Sonography can demonstrate absence of the sacrum and shortened

femurs. he legs can be lexed and abducted at the hips, and

there may be clubfoot. Sonography may detect associated urinary

anomalies (renal agenesis, cystic dysplasia, caliectasis) and

gastrointestinal abnormalities (e.g., duodenal atresia). 114 he

prognosis depends on the severity and extent of the skeletal

abnormalities and associated anomalies. In sacral agenesis with

no internal organ involvement, there are usually deicits in the

legs and deicient control of bladder and bowel functions. In

infants with internal organ involvement, the prognosis is related

to these defects.


Sirenomelia sequence is a rare disorder in which the legs are

fused and the feet are deformed or absent 115 (Fig. 35.21). he

cause is probably an aberrant fetal artery that branches from

the upper abdominal aorta and passes into the umbilical cord

to the placenta. 116 Arterial blood low bypasses the lower fetal

body. he distal abdominal aorta, the aorta’s distal branches,

and subtended structures are small and underdeveloped. his

leads to malformations of spine, legs, kidneys, gut, and genitalia.

Normally the umbilical arteries, which arise from the fetal iliac

arteries, carry blood from the fetus into the umbilical cord and

then into the placenta.

At sonography, there is advanced oligohydramnios because

of reduced or absent renal function. he legs are fused, or there

is a single leg. he feet are absent, or there may be a single foot.

here may be sacral agenesis, deiciency of the lower lumbar

spine, and thoracic anomalies. hese indings may be diicult

to appreciate because of the advanced oligohydramnios or

anhydramnios. 112 he prolonged anhydramnios causes pulmonary

hypoplasia, which is usually fatal. he risk of recurrence is the

same as in the general population.


Fetal teratomas may arise from the sacrum or coccyx, from other

midline structures from the level of the brain to the coccyx, or

from the gonads. 117 Sacrococcygeal teratomas arise from the

pluripotent cells of Hensen node located anterior to the coccyx.

Sacrococcygeal teratomas contain all three germ layers (ectoderm,

mesoderm, and endoderm) and thus may contain elements of

many tissues, including neural, respiratory, and gastrointestinal.

Sacrococcygeal tumor is rare (1 : 35,000 births) 118 but is the most

common tumor among neonates. Females are afected four times

more frequently than males. Sacrococcygeal teratomas are classiied

into four types 118 : type I, tumor predominantly external

with only minimal presacral involvement; type II, tumor presenting

externally but with signiicant intrapelvic extension; type

III, tumor apparent externally but with predominant pelvic mass

and extension into the abdomen; type IV, tumor presacral with

no external presentation (Fig. 35.22). 117

Types of Sacrococcygeal Teratomas

Type I (47%): external mass predominant

Type II (34%): external mass with signiicant internal


Type III (9%): internal mass predominant, with smaller

external component

Type IV (10%): presacral mass only

At birth, 75% of sacrococcygeal teratomas are benign, 12%

are immature, and 13% are malignant. Because malignant potential

increases with the age of the infant, surgery must be performed

shortly ater birth.

Sonography usually demonstrates a mass in the rump or

buttocks area adjacent to the spine 119 (Video 35.6). Most teratomas

(85%) are either solid or mixed (solid and cystic); 15% are mostly

cystic, which is a benign sign. Calciications are frequently present.

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