Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1638 PART V Pediatric Sonography



FIG. 48.18 Submandibular Pleomorphic Adenoma. (A) Submandibular gland containing a well-deined hypoechoic mass. (B) Computed

tomography scan shows a well-deined low-density lesion centered within the right submandibular gland.

gland neoplasms, although ill-deined tumor margins and adjacent

lymphadenopathy are suspicious features. 52,53 For further deinition

of a lesion, MRI is the method of choice because it provides precise

information with regard to the nature of the mass as well as its

extent, especially the presence of perineural invasion. 15,24

Pleomorphic adenomas, also referred to as benign mixed-cell

tumors, contain both mesenchymal and epithelial cell lines. hese

neoplasms are the most common benign salivary gland tumor

in childhood and occur in all pediatric age groups (median, 15

years). 18,23 Most occur as a solitary, hard, painless, slow-growing

mass. 54 Approximately 60% to 90% of these lesions originate in

the parotid gland and 10% to 30% in the submandibular gland. 12,15

hese lesions can recur (1%-50%) as multiple masses or rarely

can develop late metastatic deposits. 54 On sonography, the lesion

appears lobulated, well deined, and hypoechoic or isoechoic

(with respect to normal salivary tissue) (Fig. 48.18). Cystic areas

and hyperechoic shadowing foci representing small calciications

may be noted. 11 Typically, pleomorphic adenomas demonstrate

peripheral vascularity with a hypovascular center. 13,24,29 Treatment

includes surgical resection with facial nerve sparing procedures

if in the parotid gland.

Warthin tumor, also referred to as papillary cystadenoma

lymphomatosum or adenolymphoma, is a rare benign salivary

gland neoplasm of children and solely identiied in the parotid

gland. 55,56 he lesion contains a double layer of epithelial cells

resting on a dense lymphoid stroma and is believed to result

from incorporation of lymphatic elements and heterotopic ductal

epithelium within the parotid lymph nodes. Ultrasound indings

include an oval, hypoechoic, well-deined mass containing multiple

microcystic or anechoic areas, given the high propensity for

cystic change. 12,13,55 With color and Doppler sonography, the

tumor typically is hypervascular. Technetium 99m scintigraphy

shows intense uptake in the tumor but is almost never performed

in children. 11,12 Treatment is surgical resection; however, recurrence

is possible from multifocality.

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, the most common malignant

salivary gland neoplasm in children, consists of cords, sheets,

or cystic spaces lined by squamous and mucous cells. 11,15 Of the

malignant salivary gland lesions, 60% are diagnosed as mucoepidermoid

carcinomas, and about 50% arise from the parotid. 15

Clinically, these lesions may be tender, may grow rapidly, and

may cause facial nerve paralysis. 12 Most (76%) mucoepidermoid

carcinomas in children are of low grade. 57 Ultrasound characteristics

depend on histologic grade. However, increased intratumoral

RI and high peak systolic low velocity (>60 cm/sec)

should increase suspicion for malignancy. 29 Sonography should

also be performed in the area of the lesion to assess for metastaticappearing

lymph nodes. 58

Acinic cell carcinoma accounts for approximately 10% of

malignant salivary gland tumors, most commonly arising from

the parotid gland and less frequently from the submandibular

or minor salivary glands. 57 On ultrasound, these lesions are usually

irregular in shape with discrete margins, heterogeneous,

hypoechoic, and poorly vascularized 59 (Fig. 48.19). Lesions may

also demonstrate a mixed cystic and solid appearance and have

posterior acoustic enhancement. Importantly, these lesions may

be diicult to diferentiate from other benign masses. 59 Treatment

is usually wide surgical resection with radiotherapy reserved for

extraglandular extension, lymph node metastases, or local recurrences.

57 his tumor has the best prognosis of all malignant

salivary gland neoplasms. 60

Adenoid cystic carcinoma accounts for approximately 9%

of malignant salivary gland tumors in children, almost always

in the parotid gland. 57 hese are slow-growing tumors but have

increased association with perineural invasion. No speciic

sonographic characteristics are described. Pain and numbness

are present in 40% of children with adenoid cystic carcinoma

and strongly correlate with perineural invasion.

Sialoblastoma is a rare neonatal neoplasm of the salivary

gland, with less than 50 cases described in the literature. 61,62 his

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