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1472 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography






FIG. 43.8 Placenta Accreta With Placental Lakes. (A) Transabdominal sonogram of a third-trimester placenta shows a placental (venous) lake

(arrow). (B) In a different patient, transabdominal sonogram of second-trimester placenta shows multiple placental lakes (long arrow); short arrow,

fetal head. (C) In another patient, transvaginal sonogram of second-trimester placenta shows intense color low within and below the placenta;

long arrow, fetal head; short arrow, maternal bladder. (D) In the same patient as C, multiple placental lakes are visualized (arrowheads). (E) Placenta

accreta. Note the multiple placental lakes in the lower uterine segment in the area of scar from a prior cesarean. (F) Placenta increta. Note the

placental lakes and the loss of the hypoechoic zone between the placenta and myometrium (arrow). (G) Placenta percreta. Note the bulging of the

placenta in the lower uterine segment including into the posterior wall of the bladder (arrows). See also Video 43.3 (accreta), Video 43.4 (increta),

and Video 43.5 (percreta).

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