Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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218 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography











FIG. 7.16 Embryologic Development of Pancreas. At 4 weeks the embryologic precursors of the adult pancreas develop as two outpouchings

(“buds”), called the dorsal (D, blue) and ventral (V, brown) pancreatic anlage. The ventral bud is also the embryologic origin of the gallbladder (G),

bile duct, and liver (L). The embryonic pancreatic buds arise from opposite sides of the junction of the primitive foregut and midgut. At 5 to 6

weeks the two pancreatic anlagen rotate into proximity. At 6 to 8 weeks the anlagen typically fuse. The dorsal pancreatic bud becomes the body

and tail of the pancreas.

through the minor papilla. 19 he minor duodenal papilla is several

centimeters proximal to the major papilla.

Usually, only an insigniicant amount of the pancreatic secretions

drain through the accessory duct. An exception occurs

when the accessory duct is the only duct entering the duodenum;

the duct from the pancreatic head empties into the dorsal duct,

not the duodenum (Fig. 7.18A). his anatomic variant is found

in 10% of individuals who have an accessory duct. Another

exception is pancreatic divisum, in which the ventral and dorsal

pancreatic ducts do not fuse (Fig. 7.18B). his results in most

of the pancreatic secretions (those secreted by dorsal pancreas)

entering the duodenum through the accessory duct via the minor


he descriptive terminology of the pancreatic ducts is confusing.

It is most clear to use the functional description shown in

Fig. 7.17B, that is, the main pancreatic duct and accessory duct.

Most authors use the terms accessory duct and the duct of

Santorini synonymously. Some deine the duct of Santorini as

the entire dorsal duct, including the accessory duct. he main

pancreatic duct is sometimes called the duct of Wirsung, whereas

others reserve that name for the ventral duct only.

In normal individuals the pancreatic duct diameter is usually

3 mm or less. Hadidi 20 found that the mean duct diameter was

3 mm in the head, 2.1 mm in the body, and 1.6 mm in the tail. he

diameter of the duct can vary signiicantly. In fasting individuals,

the duct is oten seen as a linear structure in the pancreatic body

(Fig. 7.19). he diameter increases with age, although 3 mm is

still an appropriate upper limit of normal in older patients. 6

Using a 2.5-mm upper limit of normal, Wachsberg 21 showed

that inspiration could increase duct size to exceed that limit in

12% of patients without pancreatic disease. Secretin injection

increases duct size, presumably because of increased pancreatic

secretion, 22 which likely explains the observation that pancreatic

duct size may increase postprandially in some normal individuals. 8

Imaging Anatomic Variants

Transabdominal ultrasound plays little role in the diagnosis of

anatomic variants of the pancreas, which are generally discovered

and evaluated with CT, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

(ERCP), and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography

(MRCP). 17,23 Endoscopic ultrasound has been found

to be useful in diagnosing pancreas divisum, especially in patients

with unexplained pancreatitis. 24 Congenital variants of the

pancreas are common, occurring in about 10% of the population.

Variants include pancreas divisum, annular pancreas, and partial

agenesis. Most pancreatic variants are of no clinical signiicance

and are found incidentally with imaging, at surgery, or on autopsy.

Pancreas divisum, the most common variant, may predispose

to pancreatitis, although the literature is unclear about this

association. 25 he vast majority of patients (95%) with divisum

do not develop pancreatitis. 26

Peripancreatic Structures

he intraperitoneal stomach is generally located immediately

ventral to the retroperitoneal pancreatic body, with the collapsed

potential space of the lesser peritoneal sac between the two organs

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