Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-60 Index

Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) (Continued)

choroid plexus cyst in, 1103f, 1104

clenched hands in, 1103, 1103f

common sonographic indings in, 1103–1104,

1103b, 1103f

congenital heart defects in, 1103

ectopia cordis and, fetal, 1329

facial clets in, 1151

fetal hydrops from, 1429–1430

fetal pentalogy of Cantrell and, 1329

horseshoe kidney in, 1345–1346

hydrocephalus in, 1103

IUGR and, 1104

mega-cisterna magna and, 1168–1169

NT in, 1093

omphalocele in, 1103, 1103f

fetal, 1325

polyhydramnios in, 1104

skeletal indings with, 1408, 1408b

umbilical cord cysts in, 1103f, 1483

Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)

absent nasal bone in, 1150

adjunct features of, 1101

A-V canal, 1098f

AVSD and, 1101, 1284

β-hCG concentration in, 1089–1090

choroid plexus cysts and, 1101

congenital heart defects in, 1097, 1098f

duodenal atresia in, 1097, 1098f

ear length in, 1101

echogenic bowel in, 1100f, 1101

echogenic intracardiac focus in, 1100f, 1101

femur length in, 1100–1101

fetal hepatomegaly and, 1316

fetal hydrops from, 1429–1430

frontothalamic distance in, 1101

genetic sonography in, 1102–1103

humerus length in, 1101

hypoplasia of middle phalanx in, 1101

iliac angle measurements in, 1101

macroglossia in, 1153

markers in, 1097

cluster of, likelihood ratios of, 1098t

combined, 1100t, 1101–1103

common second-trimester, 1099b

isolated, likelihood ratios of, 1097t

midface hypoplasia in, 1148

nasal bone in, 1099–1100, 1099f

NT in, 1089, 1090f

nuchal fold in, 1097–1099, 1099f, 1154–1159

prevalence of, 1088–1089

risk for, short femur indicating, 1381

risk ratio for, revised, 1102b

screening for, second-trimester, 1097–1103,


skeletal indings with, 1408, 1408b

structural anomalies in, 1101

urinary tract dilation in, 1100f, 1101

VM in, 1098f

VSDs in, 1098f, 1101

wormian bones in, 1139

Trocar technique, for drainage catheter placement,

611, 611f

Trophoblastic blood low, 1083

Trophoblastic tumor, placental-site, 1082

True hermaphroditism, pediatric, 1891, 1899

Truncal artery, 1288

Truncal valve, 1288

Truncus arteriosus, 1288, 1289f

Trunk, length of, shortened, in achondrogenesis,


TRUS. See Transrectal ultrasound

TSC. See Tuberous sclerosis

T-shaped uterus, 1881

TTT. See Twin-twin transfusion syndrome

Tubal occlusion devices, 553f, 554

Tubal ring, ectopic, 1072, 1073f


of adrenal glands, 423

epididymitis associated with, 841, 843f

spleen and, 150, 151f–152f

urinary tract, 329–330, 330f

Tuberculosis colitis, 287–288

Tuberculous peritonitis, 517–521, 522f

Tuberous sclerosis (TSC)

angiomyolipoma and, 351

cardiac rhabdomyomas and, 1293, 1424

fetal brain and, 1198, 1200f

hemimegalencephaly associated with, 1195

pediatric, renal cysts in, 1816, 1817f

pheochromocytomas with, 1826, 1910–1912

prenatal intracranial tumors in, 1208

renal cysts in, 364–365, 365f

Tubo-ovarian abscess, in pelvic inlammatory

disease, 588–589, 588f, 1886–1887,


Tubo-ovarian complex, in pelvic inlammatory

disease, 588–589, 588f, 1886–1887,


Tubular ectasia, 359

of rete testis, 829–830, 830f

pediatric, 1891–1892, 1892f

Tubular necrosis, acute, 370

acute kidney injury and, 1795–1796, 1797f

renal transplantation complication with,

649–651, 653f, 1809

Tubuli recti, 819

Tubulointerstitial ibrosis, 359

Tumefactive chronic pancreatitis, 236

Tumefactive sludge, 195, 196f, 1741

Tunica albuginea

ovarian, 565

testicular, 819, 819f–820f

cysts of, 829, 830f

pediatric, 1888

Tunica vaginalis, 819, 819f

cysts of, 829, 830f

pediatric, 1902–1903

pathologic lesions of, 834–836, 835f

pediatric, 1902

Tunica var, 819

Tunica vasculosa, 821

Turner syndrome (monosomy X)

anasarca in fetus with, 1417, 1420f

cystic hygromas in, 1106–1107, 1106f

fetal hydrops from, 1429–1430, 1430f

horseshoe kidney in, 1345–1346

lymphatic malformation in, 1159

midface hypoplasia in, 1148

primary amenorrhea in, 1887

small aorta in, 1106f, 1107

sonographic indings in, 1106–1107, 1106f

TURP. See Transurethral resection of prostate

Turribrachycephaly, 1138f

Twin anemia polycythemia sequence (TAPS),


“Twin peak” sign, 1119, 1119t, 1120f

Twin pregnancies, skeletal abnormalities in, 1384

Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP),

1127–1129, 1127f–1128f, 1429

Twinkling artifacts

bezoars and, 1840

mimicking AVMs ater renal transplantation,

662–664, 668f

renal calculi indicated by, 336, 337f

urolithiasis and, 1799–1801, 1799f


acardiac, hydrops and, 1429

aneuploidy screening for, 1091

congenital malformation of, 1123

conjoined, 1115–1116

complications with, 1129–1130, 1130f

Twin(s) (Continued)

dichorionic diamniotic, 1019f, 1115–1116, 1116f

growth discrepancy in, 1123f

placental indings in, 1119

sonographic indings of, chorionicity and,

1119, 1120f

dizygotic, 1115–1116, 1116f

growth discrepancy in, 1123, 1123f

hydrops in, 1429, 1429f

IUFD and, 1123–1125, 1124f

monochorionic diamniotic, 1019f, 1058f,

1115–1116, 1116f

CHD risk with, 1270–1273

complications of, 1125–1129

growth discrepancy in, 1123f

IUFD and, 1124f

sonographic indings of, chorionicity and,

1119, 1121f

TAPS complications with, 1126–1127

TRAP and, 1127–1129, 1127f–1128f

TTTS complications and, 1125–1126, 1125t,


monochorionic monoamniotic, 1057, 1115–

1116, 1116f

complications of, 1125–1129, 1129f

conjoined twins as, 1130f

IUFD and, 1124f

sonographic indings of, chorionicity and,

1119, 1121f

TAPS complications with, 1126–1127

TRAP and, 1127–1129, 1127f–1128f

TTTS complications and, 1125–1126, 1125t,


at 12 weeks, 1129f

at 28 weeks, 1129f

monozygotic, 1115, 1116f

vanishing, 1117

Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), 1203

advanced, 1125–1126, 1126f

complications of, 1125–1126, 1125t, 1126f

early identiication of, 1125, 1126f

hydrops from, 1429, 1429f

pulmonic stenosis and, 1292

staging system for, 1125t

2-D echocardiography, 10

Two-dimensional array transducers, 12, 12f

Typhlitis, acute, 287–288, 289f


GSD and, 1740f

management of, 1738

staghorn calculus and, 1799, 1800f


Uhl anomaly, 1286

UKCTOCS. See United Kingdom Collaborative

Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening

Ulcer craters, in plaque ulceration, 923, 924f

Ulcerative colitis, 266–267


duodenal, perforated, gallbladder wall

thickening signs in, 201f

gastric, pediatric, 1839–1840, 1840f

penetrating, in abdominal aorta, 441, 444f

peptic, 299, 300f

Ulnar nerve, dislocation of, at elbow, 865–866, 866f

Ulnar ray defects, 1399

Ulnar veins, normal anatomy of, 990–991

Ultrasound speckle, 4, 5f

Umbilical artery(ies), 1059

aneurysms of, 1483

fetal assessment of, Doppler ultrasound for,

1458, 1459f

fetal cloacal exstrophy and single, 1328

single, 1484, 1484f

spontaneous rupture of, 1483

Umbilical coiling index, twisting of, 1482, 1482f

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