Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 9 The Kidney and Urinary Tract 323

Anomalies Related to Urethral

Development: Diverticula

he majority of urethral diverticula are acquired secondary

to injury or infection, although congenital diverticula occur

rarely. Most urethral diverticula in women form as a result of

infection of the periurethral glands; some may be related to

childbirth. Most diverticula are found in the midurethra and

are bilateral. Oten, a luctuant anterior vaginal mass is felt.

Stones may develop because of urinary stasis. Transvaginal

or translabial scanning may demonstrate a simple or complex

cystic structure communicating with the urethra through a thin

neck (Fig. 9.18).



FIG. 9.17 Congenital Urachal Anomalies. (A) Patent urachus extends

from the bladder to the umbilicus. (B) Urachal sinus. (C) Urachal

diverticulum. (D) Urachal cyst.





Acute Pyelonephritis

Acute pyelonephritis is a tubulointerstitial inlammation of the

kidney. Two routes may lead to inlammation: ascending infection

(85%; e.g., Escherichia coli) and hematogenous seeding (15%;

e.g., Staphylococcus aureus). Women age 15 to 35 years are most

oten afected 25 ; 2% of pregnant women will develop acute

pyelonephritis. 26 Most adults present with lank pain and fever

and can be diagnosed clinically with the aid of laboratory studies

(bacteriuria, pyuria, and leukocytosis). With appropriate antibiotics,

both clinical and laboratory indings show rapid improvement.

Imaging is necessary only when symptoms and laboratory

abnormalities persist: imaging is useful to identify potential causes

of insuiciently treated infection, including renal and perirenal

abscesses, calculi, and urinary obstruction. he Society of

Uroradiology proposed using acute pyelonephritis to describe

acutely infected kidneys, eliminating the need for terms such as

bacterial nephritis, lobar nephronia, renal cellulitis, lobar nephritis,

renal phlegmon, and renal carbuncle. 27



FIG. 9.18 Urethral Diverticulum in Young Woman With Palpable Vaginal Mass. (A) Sagittal and (B) transverse translabial sonograms show

a complex cystic mass adjacent to the anterior urethra.

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