Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 54 Pediatric Pelvic Sonography 1899

low to the scrotal wall with normal low to the testes and epididymides.

122,148-151 Acute scrotal edema resolves spontaneously

within several days without sequelae.

Scrotal or testicular involvement is estimated in 15% of patients

with Henoch-Schönlein purpura, a vasculitis involving small

vessels and afecting the skin, gastrointestinal tract, joints, and

kidneys. Sonographic indings include difuse swelling of the

scrotum and contents with intact testicular low, obviating the

need for surgery in this entity, which usually resolves spontaneously

and completely. 152 he echotexture of the testes is normal,

but there is generally bilateral epididymal enlargement with a

heterogeneous echo pattern, reactive hydrocele, and scrotal wall

thickening. 150,151 Color Doppler imaging reveals hypervascularity,

especially in the thickened scrotal wall and epididymis with

normal intratesticular low. 153 Careful examination for the classic

purpuric rash over the buttocks, lower extremities, and perineum

aids in diagnosis. 92

Scrotal swelling and pain may also be secondary to an

intraabdominal process, especially in neonates with a patent

processus vaginalis. Various luids, such as blood, chyle, pus,

dialysis luid, cerebrospinal luid from ventriculoperitoneal shunt,

or other intraperitoneal luids can drain into the scrotum. Blood

from the abdomen can enter the scrotum through extravasation

into the tissue planes or through a patent processus vaginalis

and can be the presenting sign in patients with adrenal hemorrhage,

109 hepatic laceration, or delayed splenic rupture in a battered

child. Scrotal swelling has been reported in association with

inlammatory or infectious conditions, such as acute appendicitis,

perforated appendicitis, 108 or Crohn disease. 111 Another unusual

cause for scrotal swelling is testicular vein thrombosis from a

femoral venous line during cardiac catheterization. In the neonate

with scrotal swelling and in older children with scrotal swelling

of uncertain cause, abdominal sonography may help diagnose

a primary abdominal event as the cause for secondary scrotal

pathology. 109


Intratesticular Causes

Sonography plays an important role in the evaluation of scrotal

masses by conirming the presence of a lesion, determining its

site of origin, and characterizing its contents. Ultrasound has

almost 100% sensitivity in detecting testicular tumors. 154,155

Ultrasound is able to distinguish intratesticular from extratesticular

tumors in 90% to 100% of cases. 103 his distinction is

important because most intratesticular masses are malignant

and most extratesticular masses are benign. Benign and malignant

testicular tumors are the seventh most common neoplasm

in children. About 80% of testicular tumors are malignant. In

the pediatric age group, there are two peak incidences of testicular

neoplasms: in children younger than 2 1 2 years (60%) and

in late adolescence (40%). he incidence of malignancy in a

cryptorchid (abdominal) testis is increased by a factor of 30 to

50. Both seminomas (malignant) and gonadoblastomas (the

majority of which are benign) oten develop in dysplastic gonads

associated with undescended testes, testicular feminization

syndrome, male pseudohermaphroditism, and true

hermaphroditism. 151

Testicular tumors account for about 1% of all childhood

neoplasms and for 2% of solid malignant tumors in boys. 156,157

Primary testicular neoplasms are divided into those of germ

cell and non–germ cell origin. In prepubertal children, 70% to

90% of primary testicular neoplasms are of germ cell origin, and

most of these (66%-82%) are endodermal sinus tumors (yolk

sac carcinomas). Yolk sac tumor is localized to the scrotum at

presentation in most patients (≥80%). 156,157 he remaining 20%

of patients have lymphatic spread to regional and retroperitoneal

lymph nodes or hematogenous spread to distant sites. Survival

is 70% or greater with disease restricted to the testis. 156 Embryonal

cell carcinomas, teratocarcinomas, and choriocarcinomas are

more aggressive tumors and metastasize early through lymphatic

and hematogenous routes. Endodermal sinus tumors occur

primarily as a painless scrotal mass in infants 12 to 24 months

of age. here may be an associated ipsilateral hydrocele (25%)

or inguinal hernia (21%). he tumor may metastasize to the

lungs, especially in older children, but retroperitoneal lymph

node metastasis is rare. Embryonal carcinoma usually occurs

in adolescence or young adulthood. It is highly malignant and

usually spreads to retroperitoneal and mediastinal lymph nodes,

with hematogenous metastases to the lung, liver, and brain. 151

Elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein levels are common in yolk sac

and embryonal cell tumors, whereas elevated serum levels of

β-hCG are seen most oten with embryonal cell tumors and

teratocarcinomas. 156,157

he remaining germ cell tumors seen in adolescents and

adults are benign teratomas, teratocarcinomas, and choriocarcinomas.

156 Testicular teratoma is the most common benign

germ cell tumor of the testis in infants and young children.

Teratomas are most oten seen in children younger than 4 years.

Patients with testicular neoplasms usually have painless scrotal

or testicular enlargement. Pain secondary to torsion or hemorrhage

into the tumor is rare. 99 About 85% of benign teratomas

contain well-diferentiated elements from all three germ cell layers.

here are poorly diferentiated elements in approximately 15%

of these tumors, but even so, the tumor usually has a benign

course. 156 In pubertal patients, however, teratomas are oten

malignant and tend to behave more aggressively, necessitating


Seminoma, the most common testicular tumor in adults, is

rare in children, is most oten associated with cryptorchidism,

and when present, is usually in adolescents. In general, seminomas

are uniformly hypoechoic masses, rarely containing areas of

necrosis and hemorrhage 103,158 (Fig. 54.44). On the other hand,

teratomas and teratocarcinomas are complex masses with

hypoechoic areas from serous luid and hyperechoic areas representing

fat and calciications. 103,157-159 he remaining germ cell

tumors have nonspeciic, variable appearances. 158 When the tunica

is invaded by aggressive tumors, the testicular contour appears

irregular. Testicular tumors are accompanied by reactive hydroceles

in 20% to 25% of cases. 156,160 he scrotal skin is rarely

thickened in the presence of tumors, and when observed in the

presence of a mass, is usually indicative of an inlammatory


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