Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-34 Index

Jaundice (Continued)

bile duct spontaneous rupture and, 1734, 1737

biliary atresia and, 1734–1735, 1737, 1738f

causes of, 1734, 1735b

choledochal cysts and, 1735–1737,


inborn errors of metabolism and, 1738–1740,

1739b, 1740f

interlobular bile duct paucity and, 1737

neonatal hepatitis and, 1734, 1737–1738, 1739f

urinary tract infection/sepsis and, 1738

in periampullary neoplasms, 236

Jejunal obstruction, fetal, 1310

Jejunoileal atresia, small bowel obstruction with,

1310, 1311f

Jeune syndrome, 1395, 1398

Joint assessment, ultrasound techniques for,

866–869, 867f–869f

Joint efusion, rheumatoid arthritis and, 867, 867f


fetal, multiple contractures of, in arthrogryposis

multiplex congenita, 1401, 1405f

injections of, 901–902, 901f–902f

Joubert syndrome, 1182, 1190

Dandy-Walker malformation diferentiated

from, 1532

vermian hypoplasia with, 1191

Jugular vein, internal. See Internal jugular vein

Junctional parenchymal defect, 313, 314f

renal, 1781, 1781f

Juvenile cystic adenomyoma, 541

Juxtaglomerular tumors, 355–356

Juxtaphrenic paravertebral masses, pediatric, 1723


Kaposi sarcoma, liver in, 129

Kasabach-Merritt sequence, fetal hydrops from,


Kasabach-Merritt syndrome, 108

Kawasaki disease

acute, pediatric, 1741

cervical adenopathy in children with, 1660–1663

Keepsake imaging, of fetus, 49b, 50

Keyhole sign, from posterior urethral valves in

fetus, 1361, 1361f

Kidney(s). See also End-stage renal disease; Renal

artery(ies); Renal vein(s); Ureteral bud

abscesses of

acute pyelonephritis and, 325, 325f

drainage of, 617, 618f

transplantation complications with, 651, 656f

acute cortical necrosis of, 370, 372f

acute interstitial nephritis and, 370

acute tubular necrosis of, 370

agenesis of, 318–319

anatomy of, 311–314, 313f–315f

older child and adult, 1781–1783

angiomyolipoma of, 351–352, 351f–352f

ascent of, congenital anomalies related to, 318,


cadaveric, paired, in transplantation, 643–644,


calculi in, 334–336, 336f–337f

entities that mimic, 336, 337b, 337f

capsule of, 314

carcinoid tumor of, 355–356

compensatory hypertrophy of, 317–318

congenital anomalies of, 1336

cysts of, 356–365

in acquired cystic kidney disease, 340, 364,


calciications of, 358, 358f

complex, 357, 357b, 358f

cortical, 356–359

hydatid, 331, 332f

internal echoes in, 357, 357b

Kidney(s) (Continued)

lithium nephropathy and, 361, 363f

in localized cystic disease, 362–364, 363f

malignant potential of, 359

medullary, 359

in multicystic dysplastic kidney, 361, 362f

in multilocular cystic nephroma, 361–362,


parapelvic, 359, 360f

percutaneous management of, 617–618, 619f

in polycystic kidney disease, 359–361,


septations in, 357–358, 357b, 358f

simple, 356–357, 357f

in TSC, 364–365, 365f

in von Hippel-Lindau disease, 364, 364f

development of, 311, 312f

disease of

acquired cystic, 340, 364, 364f

cystic, 356–365

end-stage, relux nephropathy and, 327, 327f

localized, 362–364, 363f

medullary, 359

neoplasm-related, 364–365

polycystic, 359–361, 361f–362f

renal cell carcinoma and acquired cystic, 340

ectopia and, 318, 318f

failure of, chronic, transplantation for, 641

glomerulonephritis of, 370, 371f

growth of, congenital anomalies related to,


hemangiopericytoma of, 356

hematomas of, 365–366

horseshoe, 159–160, 318, 319f

fetal, 1345–1346, 1345f, 1362

pediatric, 1784, 1785f

hypoplasia of, 317

intrathoracic, pediatric, 1716

lacerations of, 365–366, 366f

leiomyomas of, 355–356

leukemia involving, 353–354

lymphomas of, 333, 352–353, 353b

maternal, IUGR and, 1455

medullary sponge, 339, 340f, 359

pediatric, 1799

metastases to, 354, 355f

multicystic dysplastic, 361, 362f

multilocular cystic nephroma and, 361–362,


oncocytoma of, 348–351

parenchyma of, calciication of, 339–340, 340f

pelvic, 318, 318f

identiication of, 592

percutaneous needle biopsy of, 605–606,


“putty”, 330

sarcomas of, 356

shattered, 365–366

sonographic technique for, 314

squamous cell carcinoma of, 348

supernumerary, 319

thoracic, 318

transitional cell carcinoma of, 346–347,


trauma to, 365–366, 366f

tumors of, rare, 355–356

vascular abnormalities of, 366–369

renal vascular Doppler ultrasound and, 366

Kidneys, fetal

agenesis of

bilateral, 1342–1344, 1343f–1344f, 1344b

unilateral, 1344

VUR with, 1360

cystic disease of, 1346–1352

ADPKD and, 1350, 1350f

ARPKD and, 1348–1350, 1349f

Kidneys, fetal (Continued)

bilateral reniform enlargement of, 1348,


HNF1β mutations in, 1350–1351

MCDK as, 1346–1347, 1346f–1347f

Meckel-Gruber syndrome and, 1351, 1351f

obstructive cystic renal dysplasia as,

1347–1348, 1347f–1348f

syndromes associated with, 1350–1351, 1351f

duplex, VUR with, 1360

ectopic, 1344–1345, 1344f–1345f

embryology of, 1336–1338, 1337f

horseshoe, 1345–1346, 1345f

megalourethra and, 1362

hyperechogenic, 1351–1352, 1352f

length of, at 14-42 weeks’ gestation, 1338–1339,


lobation in, 317, 1781, 1781f

lobes of, formation of, 1781, 1781f

normal sonographic appearance of, 1342f

pelvic, 1344–1345, 1344f

postnatal function of

fetal urinalysis in prediction of, 1365, 1365t

poor, antenatal predictors of, 1364b

routine sonographic view of, 1026f

sonographic appearance of, 1338–1339, 1338f

tumors of, 1352–1353, 1353f

Kidneys, pediatric. See also Hydronephrosis,

pediatric, causes of; Nephrocalcinosis;

Urinary tract, pediatric

abscess of, complicating acute pyelonephritis,


absence of, 1784, 1784f

biopsies of, Doppler assessment of, 1809,


“cake”, 1785

crossed-fused ectopia, 1784–1785, 1785f

cystic disease of, 1812–1818

ADPKD and, 1814–1815, 1815f

ARPKD and, 1812–1813, 1814f

MCDK and, 1815, 1816f

medullary cystic kidney disease and, 1816,


nephronophthisis and, 1815–1816, 1816f

cysts of, congenital, 1816–1818

dialysis and acquired, 1816–1818, 1817f

ater liver transplantation, 1816–1818

in TSC, 1816, 1817f

in VHL disease, 1816

Doppler ultrasound for, 1778

dysplastic, 1798, 1798f

focal scarring of, from acute pyelonephritis,

1792, 1793f

horseshoe, 1784, 1785f

hydronephrosis and, 1785–1791

length of

age, height, weight compared to, 1776–1778,


by age, with single functioning kidney, 1779t

birth weight and gestational age compared to,

1776–1778, 1780f

normal measurements of, 1776–1778, 1777f

position for visualizing, 1776f

reference values for, according to age and

gender, 1776–1778, 1778t

medical diseases of, 1794–1798

acute kidney injury as, 1795–1796, 1796b,


chronic kidney disease as, 1796–1798, 1797t,


normal anatomy of, 1781–1783, 1781f–1782f

normal term, 1781–1783

“pancake”, 1785

pelvic, 1908

premature, normal, 1781–1783

renal duplication and, 1783–1784, 1784f

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