Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1714 PART V Pediatric Sonography







FIG. 50.20 Echogenicity of Air Bronchograms in Consolidated Lung. (A) Chest radiograph shows an opaciied left chest with some air

bronchograms. (B) Transverse scan shows luid (F) around consolidated lung (L), which has echogenicity similar to the liver. Air bronchograms

within the consolidated lung (arrow). (C) and (D) Sonograms of another patient show consolidated lung with air bronchograms and surrounded by


deies the “reasonably achievable” part of the ALARA (as low

as reasonably achievable) principle. 26 Typical radiation dose with

a pediatric exposure setting for a frontal view chest radiograph

is less than 0.1 mSv, which corresponds to natural background

radiation for less than 10 days and is considered minimal

risk. 26-28

FIG. 50.21 Pneumonia Showing Tubular Air Bronchograms. Color

low Doppler sonogram shows echogenic branching air bronchograms with

intervening branching vessels in consolidated lung surrounded by luid.


Atelectatic lung is similar in echogenicity to liver (Fig. 50.24).

Sonographic air bronchograms may be present in atelectatic lung,

but the air bronchograms are more crowded than in pneumonia

because the lung volume is decreased. Bronchi can be illed with

luid rather than air, creating luid bronchograms. he echogenic,

parallel, branching walls are illed with hypoechoic luid, without

the acoustic shadowing and reverberation artifacts normally

seen with air. Color low Doppler sonography diferentiates

luid-illed bronchi from vessels because there will be no low in

the bronchi.

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