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1534 PART V Pediatric Sonography



FIG. 45.27 Mega–Cisterna Magna. (A) and (B) Axial and sagittal sonograms show an enlarged cisterna magna (CM) with no connection to

the fourth ventricle and no ventriculomegaly.

Alobar Middle interhemispheric Semilobar Lobar

Normal brain

FIG. 45.28 Holoprosencephaly Classiication. Holoprosencephaly classiication. Normal versus four types—alobar (most severe), middle

interhemispheric, semilobar, and lobar.

addition to occurrence with holoprosencephaly, callosal agenesis,

and Chiari II malformations, other associations suggest that

septo-optic dysplasia may occur from destructive processes that

cause schizencephaly and chronic severe hydrocephalus. 31

Intermediate in severity between alobar and lobar is semilobar

holoprosencephaly, with fusion of the cortex and ventricle

anteriorly but variable separation posteriorly; facial anomalies

are mild or absent. Anomalies of the face and calvaria accompany

and help predict the severity of the brain malformation, because

the face develops at the same time as the brain during diverticulation.

Cases of holoprosencephaly are usually suspected as a result

of the accompanying facial anomalies, with more severe facial

anomalies predicting more severe intracranial anomalies. Holoprosencephaly

is most frequently seen in trisomy 13 and 18

syndromes and can also be caused by teratogens, the most

common mechanism in infants of diabetic mothers. 31,60-62

Alobar Holoprosencephaly

Alobar holoprosencephaly is the most severe form of this disorder.

Infants with this defect usually die within the irst months of

life or are stillborn. Facial features may include cebocephaly

(hypotelorism and malformed nose; Fig. 45.30D), cyclopia, and

Alobar Holoprosencephaly:

Sonographic Findings

Single midline crescent-shaped ventricle

Thin layer of cerebral cortex

No falx

No interhemispheric issure

No corpus callosum

Fused thalami and basal ganglia

Fused echogenic choroid plexus

Absent third ventricle

Large dorsal cyst

ethmocephaly (cyclopia or hypotelorism with a midline proboscis

above the eyes). he brain surrounds a single midline horseshoeor

crescent-shaped ventricle with a surrounding thin, primitive

cerebral cortex 59 (Fig. 45.30). he hemispheres are fused as a

pancakelike mass of tissue in the most anterior portion of the

calvaria. Only in holoprosencephaly will the splenium of the

corpus callosum be the only segment present. 31 he thalami are

fused, and there is no falx, corpus callosum, or interhemispheric

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