Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-24 Index

Fibroma(s) (Continued)

paratesticular, 1903–1904

simulating anterior abdominal wall hernias,

500–501, 502f

Fibromatosis, ovarian edema diferentiated from,


Fibromatosis coli, pediatric, inlammatory disease

and, 1663–1664, 1663f

Fibromuscular dysplasia

carotid low disturbances in, 928

of internal carotid artery, 944–946, 946f

renal artery stenosis and, 447, 447f

renovascular disease and, 368

Fibronectin, fetal, 1501


paratesticular, 1903–1904

simulating anterior abdominal wall tumors,

500–501, 502f

Fibroscan, 1764


retroperitoneal, 464–465, 465f

testicular, ater orchitis, 846, 849f

tubulointerstitial, 359

Fibrothorax, sonographic appearance of, 1702

Fibrous cap thinning, microRNAs and, 920

Fibrous pseudotumors, 838, 840f

Field of view (FOV), 105, 505–506

musculoskeletal system and extended, 857

in obstetric sonography, 1036, 1036f

Filar cyst, in newborn, 1674–1675, 1678f

Filum terminale

formation of, 1673, 1673f

lipomas of, 1674

closed spinal dysraphism and, 1684–1685,


normal anatomy of, 1674–1675, 1677f

Fine-needle aspiration biopsy

parathyroid adenoma and accuracy of, 746

of thyroid gland, 709–710, 710t, 722

Fingers, syndactyly of, 1105f

Finite amplitude distortion, in sot tissue heating,

37–38, 37f

First and Second Trimester Evaluation of Risk

(FASTER), 1090–1091, 1095

Fistula(s). See also Arteriovenous istulas

aortoenteric, 438

bladder, 334, 335f

cholecystenteric, 207

choledochoduodenal, 175–176, 177f

choledochoenteric, 175–176, 177f

Crohn disease and formation of, 276, 279f–280f

dorsal enteric, pediatric, 1686–1688

enterocutaneous, 612

in imperforate anus, 1847–1848, 1850f

neurenteric, 1674

perianal, perianal inlammatory disease in,


tracheoesophageal, fetal

CHAOS and, 1254–1255

esophageal atresia and, 1305

vesicocolic, 1310–1312

vesicocutaneous, 334

vesicoenteric, 334

vesicoureteral, 334

vesicouterine, 334

vesicovaginal, 334

Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, PID and, 1887

Flash artifacts, 60–61

Flexor hallucis longus tendon, injection of, 902,


Flexor retinaculum, thickening of, 865

Fluid, in neonatal/infant brain imaging, 1512

Fluorescent in situ hybridization, in hydrops

diagnosis, 1433–1434

Fluoroscopic guidance, for drainage catheter

placement, 610

FNH. See Focal nodular hyperplasia

Foam cysts, in breast, 779, 781f

Focal depth, in obstetric sonography, 1036, 1036f

Focal hypertrichosis, tethered cord and, 1679

Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH)

adenoma diferentiated from, 116–117

CEUS for diagnosis of, 113–115, 115f

characterization of, with microbubble contrast

agents, 106, 106f, 108t, 109f

Doppler ultrasound characterization of, 113

of liver, 112–115, 114f–115f

pediatric, 1746

sulfur colloid scanning and, 115

Focal subcortical heterotopia, 1196

Focal therapy, for prostate cancer, 400

Focal zone, 505–506

Focused abdominal sonography for trauma

(FAST), 508

Folic acid, in spina biida prevention, 1224–1225

Follicular adenomas, thyroid, pediatric, 1646–1648,


Follicular carcinoma, of thyroid gland, 701, 701b,


pediatric, 1648

Follicular cysts

menstrual cycle and, 568

pediatric, 1875

Fondaparinux, 598


mastoid, neonatal/infant brain imaging through,

1512, 1517–1518, 1517f, 1519f

duplex Doppler, 1574, 1575f

posterior, neonatal/infant brain imaging

through, 1512, 1517, 1517f–1518f

duplex Doppler, 1574, 1575f

Fontanelle, anterior

cerebral artery, compression of, in

hydrocephalus, RI and, 1582, 1584f

neonatal/infant brain imaging through,


coronal planes in, 1513f

duplex Doppler, 1574, 1575f

sagittal planes in, 1516f

Foot (Feet). See also Clubfoot


deformities of, 1404–1407

length of, measurement of, 1379, 1381f

rocker-bottom, 1406f, 1407

in skeletal dysplasia, 1382

injection of, 901

supericial peritendinous and periarticular,

902–904, 903f–904f

pediatric, congenital deformities of, 1932–1933

club foot as, 1932

vertical talus as, 1932–1933, 1932f

Foramen magnum approach

for duplex Doppler ultrasound of neonatal/

infant brain, 1574, 1575f

for TCD sonography, 1592, 1595f

Foramen of Magendie, neonatal/infant, in mastoid

fontanelle imaging, 1517–1518

Foramen ovale, 1273–1275, 1275f, 1279, 1282f

sonographic appearance of, 1280, 1283f

Foraminal lap, sonographic appearance of, 1283f

Forearm muscle, hernia of, 859f

Forearm veins, sonographic evaluation of, 996–998,


Foregut, 1304–1305

bronchopulmonary malformations of, pediatric,

1716, 1718f

cysts of, 1650

Forehead, fetal, abnormalities of, 1137f, 1139–1140,

1139b, 1140f–1141f

Foreign body(ies)

embedded in sot tissue, 872, 873f

in gastrointestinal tract, 300

Foreign body(ies) (Continued)

interventional sonography, pediatric, for deep

removal of, 1961, 1965f

in vagina, pediatric, 1887


cavum septi pellucidi mistaken for, 1521

fetal, normal sonographic appearance of, 1168

4Kscore, 396

Four-dimensional ultrasound, for fetal heart

assessment, 1277

Fournier gangrene, acute scrotal pain from,


FOV. See Field of view


fetal, in skeletal dysplasias, 1380f, 1381–1382

in osteogenesis imperfecta, 1392, 1393f

pediatric, rib, 1727

testicular, 850, 850f

Frame rate

in obstetric sonography, 1036

in renal artery duplex Doppler sonography, 449

Frank dislocation, of hip, 1927

Fraser syndrome, 1253

Fraternal twins. See Dizygotic twins

Fraunhofer zone, of beam, 8

Free air, pneumoperitoneum and, 525f, 526

“Freehand” technique, for percutaneous needle

biopsies, 600, 602f

Frequency compounding, 7–8

Frequency spectrum bandwidth, 7–8


acoustic, 2

band of, 7

in sound waves, 2, 2f

Fresnel zone, of beam, 8

Frontal bossing, 1137f, 1139, 1139b

in skeletal dysplasia, 1382

Frontal horns, of ventricles

in Chiari II malformation, 1526, 1527f–1528f

in corpus callosum agenesis, 1528, 1530f–1531f


in coronal imaging, 1514, 1514f–1515f

cysts of, 1522, 1522f, 1566

Frontonasal prominence, 1134

Frontothalamic distance, in trisomy 21, 1101

Fryn syndrome, CDH and, 1263

Fukuyama syndrome, cobblestone lissencephaly in,


Full-thickness rotator cuf tears, 886–887,


Fundal adenomyomas, 202, 204f

Fundamental echo, 58–59

Fundus, uterine, 530

Fungal diseases

genitourinary, 330–331

hepatic, 86–87, 88f

Fungus balls

in collecting systems, 330–331, 331f

formation of, in neonatal candidiasis, 1794,


Fused vertebrae, pediatric, 1688

Fusiform dilatation, 283


G6PD. See Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase


Gadopentetate dimeglumine, as pregnancy

category C drug, 1032

Gain settings, 505–506

Galactoceles, 775

Galactography, 799

Galactosemia, inborn errors of metabolism and,


Gallbladder, 188–207. See also Cholecystitis

absent or small, in biliary atresia, 1734–1735,

1737, 1738f

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