Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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324 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography

At ultrasound, the majority of kidneys with acute pyelonephritis

appear normal. However, ultrasound indings of pyelonephritis

include (Fig. 9.19) renal enlargement, compression of

the renal sinus, decreased echogenicity (secondary to edema)

or increased echogenicity (potentially from hemorrhage), loss

of corticomedullary diferentiation, poorly marginated mass(es),

gas within the renal parenchyma, 26,27 and focal or difuse absence

of color Doppler perfusion corresponding to the swollen inlamed


If the pyelonephritis is focal, the poorly marginated masses

may be echogenic, hypoechoic, or of mixed echogenicity. Echogenic

masses may be the most common appearance of focal

pyelonephritis. 28

Sonography, including power Doppler, is less sensitive than

CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or technetium-99m

single-photon emission computed tomography ( 99m Tc-DMSA

SPECT) renal cortical scintigraphy for demonstrating changes

of acute pyelonephritis. However, ultrasound is more accessible

and less expensive and thus an excellent screening modality for

monitoring and follow-up of complications, 29 as well as in the

assessment of pregnant patients with acute pyelonephritis because

of its lack of ionizing radiation. 26,27

A unique renal infection known as alkaline-encrusted pyelitis

has been described in renal transplants and native kidneys of

Acute Pyelonephritis on Sonography

Renal enlargement

Compression of renal sinus

Abnormal echotexture (either increased or decreased)

Loss of corticomedullary differentiation

Poorly marginated mass(es)

Gas within renal parenchyma

Focal or diffuse absence of color Doppler perfusion

corresponding to the swollen inlamed areas





FIG. 9.19 Acute Pyelonephritis in Three Patients. (A) Subtle focal increased echogenic areas are seen in the anterior cortex of the right

kidney. (B) Power Doppler perfusion defect in lower pole of kidney of patient with documented E. coli pyelonephritis. Note normal corresponding

gray-scale image. (C) Sagittal and (D) transverse sonograms in a third patient show a swollen and edematous kidney with focal altered echogenicity

and loss of corticomedullary differentiation. The renal sinus fat is attenuated by swollen parenchyma.

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