Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1140 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography



FIG. 33.7 Sloped Forehead in Fetus With Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome and Cleft Palate. (A) Coronal three-dimensional and (B) sagittal

magnetic resonance images show a broad, lat nasal bridge and forehead at 34 weeks’ gestation, the so-called “Greek warrior helmet” facies.

Note sloped forehead (arrow in [B]) and absence of the secondary palate (arrowhead in [B] showing nasopharynx communicating with


Frontal encephaloceles can be seen during sonographic evaluation

of the fetal face and are oten associated with hypertelorism and

midline facial cleting 30 (see Chapter 34).


Sonographic evaluation of the fetal orbits is best obtained in

axial or coronal views, in which one can conirm the presence

of both orbits, evaluating their sizes and shapes and the distance

between them. he sagittal view may help to evaluate

abnormal anterior displacement of the globes (proptosis or

exorbitism). he orbits should be symmetrical in size and

the outer and inner interorbital distances within a normal

range. Detailed nomograms are available for reference 31,32

(Table 33.1).


Hypotelorism is deined as an abnormally small distance between

the orbits and is oten associated with other anomalies 33,34 (Fig.

33.9). Holoprosencephaly (Fig. 33.10) can be associated with

cyclopia (single midline eye with failed development of nose

with or without a proboscis [Fig. 33.11]); ethmocephaly (hypotelorism

with failed development of nose and a proboscis); or

cebocephaly (hypotelorism and poorly developed nose with a

single nostril).


Hypertelorism is deined as widely spaced eyes (Figs. 33.12 and

33.13). Given the embryologic development of the eyes and their

migration from a lateral position to midline, hypertelorism may

Conditions Associated With Hypotelorism

Abnormalities of the brain



Chromosomal abnormalities

Trisomies 13, 18, and 21

Chromosome 5p deletion

Head shape abnormalities



Langer-Giedion syndrome

Oculodentodigital dysplasia

Nasal maxillary dysostosis (Binder syndrome)

Myotonic dystrophy

Meckel-Gruber syndrome

Williams syndrome

result from abnormalities that interfere with this normal migration.

Large orbits can result in abnormal orbital measurements;

Table 33.1 provides normal diameter of the globes. 35

Microphthalmia and Anophthalmia

Abnormally small orbits (microphthalmia) or absent orbits

(anophthalmia) are rarely diagnosed on fetal sonography, but,

when present, are frequently associated with chromosomal

abnormalities or syndromes 36,37 (Fig. 33.14). Fetal karyotype

analysis should be considered and a careful search for additional

fetal abnormalities undertaken.

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