Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1224 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography







FIG. 35.10 Posterior Longitudinal Scan Plane. (A) Diagram shows

the incident sound beam (arrows) relecting off the posterior surface

of the centrum. If there is no ossiication in the laminae near the midline,

the laminae will not be visible on the scan; only the centra will be seen.

If the laminar ossiication is present near the midline, the centra and

laminae will be seen as echogenic foci. The red structures are ossiied

portions of the vertebra. (B) Posterior longitudinal scan of the lumbosacral

spine at 15 weeks shows ossiication in the centra of the lower thoracic,

lumbar, and sacral spine (L5, centrum of vertebra). In this midline scan,

no ossiication is present posterior to the posterior surface of the dural

sac (D). S, Skin surface.

Folic Acid Fortiication

Another major factor in the decline of the incidence of NTDs

is the use of folic acid to prevent NTDs. Several clinical trials

have demonstrated a decreased risk of NTDs by at least 60%

with the maternal use of periconceptual folic acid supplements. 39-43

he reduction occurs in mothers with previously afected pregnancies

and in mothers without this risk. In 1992 the U.S. Department

of Health and Human Services 44 and the Expert Advisory Group

in the United Kingdom 45 recommended supplementation of

0.4 mg of folic acid for women in the general population trying

to conceive. Women who are at high risk because of a previously

afected fetus should take 4 mg of folic acid daily. 1 Routine folic

acid supplementation around the time of conception confers a

72% to 87% decrease in probability of NTDs. 3,40 However, this


FIG. 35.11 Posterior Angled Transaxial (Transverse) Scan

Plane. (A) Diagram shows the incident sound beam (arrows) relecting

off the posterior aspects of the laminae and portions of the pedicles.

The beam may also relect off the ossiied centrum. This scan plane

can depict the entire ring of ossiication of the spinal canal. The red

structures are ossiied portions of the vertebra. (B) Endovaginal scan

at 18 weeks in the midlumbar spine outlines the curvilinear structure

of each neural arch (short arrows, lamina plus pedicle) and the ossiied

centrum (long arrow). Together these structures form the ossiied ring

of the spinal canal.

knowledge and these recommendations have not translated into

a reduction of the incidence of NTDs in the general population, 46,47

largely because only a minority take folic acid routinely in the

reproductive years, and in those who do, supplementation may

not be taken at the proper time. Studies in the 1990s demonstrated

that less than 45% of pregnant women took folic acid before

conception. 48-50 In 2007, 40% of all U.S. women of reproductive

age (15-45 years) took daily supplements of folic acid. Daily

supplements could be one serving of breakfast cereal fortiied

with 100% of the recommended daily value of folic acid or a

supplement with 0.4 mg of folic acid daily. 4

Another strategy to increase folic acid levels is the systematic

fortiication of food stufs with folic acid. In March 1996 the

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