Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-52 Index

Sample volume size, Doppler ultrasound and, 29b,


Sandal toes, fetal, 1406f, 1407

Saphenofemoral junction, as landmark for femoral

hernias, 482, 485f

Sappey plexus, 762

Sarcoid, chronic pediatric sialadenitis in,


Sarcoidosis, epididymis and, 841, 843f

Sarcoma botryoides, pediatric, 1820, 1883, 1908


embryonal, undiferentiated, in pediatric liver,

1746, 1748f

endometrial, 551, 551f

granulocytic, pediatric, neck, 1666, 1667f

Kaposi, liver in, 129

masticator space, pediatric, 1640, 1641f

renal, 356

sot tissue, 871–872, 872f

uterine, 551

Sawtooth low disturbance, from temporal tap, 918,


Scanning mode, obstetric sonography and, 1035

Scapulae, 878–879, 878f

hypoplastic, in campomelic dysplasia,



from cesarean sections, 557, 558f

exuberant, simulating anterior abdominal wall

hernias, 500, 502f

SCC. See Squamous cell carcinoma

SCD. See Sickle cell disease


bladder, 331, 331f

liver, 90

pediatric, 1748

urinary tract, 331

Schizencephalic clets, hydranencephaly

diferentiated from, 1208


CMV infection and, 1536–1537, 1558

fetal, 1196, 1199f

HPE diferentiated from, 1189

hydranencephaly diferentiated from, 1208

neonatal/infant, 1536–1537, 1537f

Schneckenbecken dysplasia, 1396

Scintigraphy, in parathyroid adenomas of, 747,


Sclerosing cholangitis, recurrent, complicating liver

transplantation, 629, 630f

Sclerosing peritonitis, 514, 521, 523f

Sclerosis of hemangioma, diagnostic challenges

with, 112


ethanol, 719

ultrasound-guided, of macrocystic lymphatic

malformation, pediatric, 1726, 1727f

Sclerotome, in spine embryology, 1217–1218,

1217f, 1218t


fetal, 1235–1237, 1237b

campomelic dysplasia and, 1395

pediatric, 1688

Screening Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Very

Eiciently (SAAAVE) Act, 435

Scrotal pearls, 836–837, 837f

Scrotal sac, torsion of, pediatric, 1325

Scrotoliths, 836–837, 837f, 1897

Scrotum. See also Epididymis; Testis(es)

anatomy of, 819–822, 819f–821f

biid, fetal, 1367

calciications of, 833–834, 833b, 834f

calculi in, extratesticular, 836–837, 837f

cysts of, extratesticular, 839, 842f

edema of, idiopathic, 846

epididymal lesions and, 839–841

Scrotum (Continued)

ibrous pseudotumor and, 838, 840f

hematoceles of, 835f, 836

pediatric, 1902

hernia and, 836, 836f

hydroceles of, 834–836, 835f

fetal, 1367

pediatric, 1899, 1902, 1902f

indirect inguinal hernias extending into,

478–479, 482f

liposarcomas of, 840f, 841

masses in, 822–834

pain in, acute, 841–847

causes of, 843b

from epididymitis, 846, 847f–848f, 1895–1896,


from epididymo-orchitis, 846, 847f–849f

from Fournier gangrene, 846–847

secondary to intraabdominal process, 1899

from testicular torsion, 844–846, 844f–845f

from torsion of testicular appendage, 846

pathologic lesions of, extratesticular, 834–841,



acute pain or swelling in, 1892–1899, 1892b

anatomy of, 1888

edema of, acute idiopathic, 1898–1899, 1898f

hematoceles of, 1902

Henoch-Schönlein purpura and, 1899

hernia and, 1902

hydroceles of, 1899, 1902, 1902f

masses of, 1899–1904

masses of, extratesticular causes of,


masses of, intratesticular causes of, 1899–1902

masses of, paratesticular, 1903–1904

trauma to, 1897–1898, 1898f

polyorchidism and, 838–839, 841f

pyoceles of, 835f, 836

rhabdomyosarcomas of, 840f, 841

sonography of

current uses of, 819b

technique for, 818–819

trauma to, 847–851, 850f

tumors of, extratesticular, 840–841, 840f

varicoceles of, 837–838, 838f–839f

S/D ratio. See Systolic-to-diastolic ratio

Sebaceous cysts, 779, 781f

Second harmonic, transducers and, 105

Second-generation contrast agents, 56

Secretin injection, 218

Segmental spinal dysgenesis, 1674, 1689, 1691f

Segmentation, in organogenesis, 1524, 1525f

Seldinger technique, for drainage catheter

placement, 611

Selective uptake contrast agents, 56, 57f

Seminal vesicles, 382f–383f, 384

calciication of, 392

congenital abnormalities in, 392

cysts of, 392, 393f

pediatric, 1908, 1910f

pediatric, anatomy of, 1888, 1888f

Seminiferous tubules, 819

Seminoma(s), 584

cryptorchidism and, 851


in dysplastic gonads, 1899

sonography of, 1899, 1900f

testicular, 823, 823f–824f

Sensenbrenner syndrome, 1395

Sepsis, pediatric, jaundice in, 1738

Septate uterus, 534–536, 536f–537f

Septations, in renal cysts, 357–358, 357b, 358f

Septi pellucidi, absence of, 1201–1203

Septic arthritis, pediatric, 1936, 1937f

Septic shock, AKI and, 1796

Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD)

fetal brain and, 1201–1203, 1203f

HPE diferentiated from, 1187–1189

neonatal/infant brain and, 1532–1534, 1535f

in rhombencephalosynapsis, 1192

Septula testis, 819, 820f

Septum pellucidum

absent, in rhombencephalosynapsis, 1192

cavum of, fetal, sonographic view of, 1024f

Septum primum, 1279

Septum secundum, 1280


pelvic, 591

retrosternal, 1726f

spinal canal, pediatric, 1697, 1697f

stitch, ater herniorrhaphy, 494–496, 495f

Serous cystadenocarcinoma, ovarian, 580–581,


Serous cystadenoma, ovarian, 580–581, 580f

Serous cystic neoplasm, 243, 244f–245f

Sertoli cell tumors, 826, 827f

pediatric, 1900

Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, 585

Serum, Urine and Ultrasound Screening Study

(SURUSS), 1090

Sex cord-stromal tumors

ovarian, 585

testicular, 825–826, 827f

Sex reversal, in campomelic dysplasia, 1395

SGA. See Small-for-gestational age fetus


acoustic, 786

breast sonography and, 791–792, 793f

carcinoma causing, 791–792, 793f

decreased/absent, in skeletal dysplasias,


malignant masses causes, diferential

diagnosis for, 792

by rib, in pediatric chest sonography, 1710

as artifacts, 19–21, 22f

in uterine ibroids, 539f, 540, 540b

Shattered kidney, 365–366

Shear wave elastography (SWE), 16, 17f–18f, 772

cirrhosis of liver and, 95–96

for pediatric liver, 1764, 1765f

Shear waves, in bone, 39

Shigella, 1852

Shockwave, 37, 37f

Short umbilical cord, 1481

Short-rib polydactyly syndromes, 1382, 1383f,

1395–1396, 1397f

Shoulder. See also Rotator cuf

anatomy of, 878–879, 878f

arthropathy and, 893–894

degenerative, 893, 894f

inlammatory, 893–894, 894f

clinical perspective on, 877–878

injection of, 901, 901f

pediatric, brachial plexus injury and, 1934–1936,


posterior, 884

rotator cuf pathology and dysfunction of, 877

subacromial impingement of, 877–879, 882–883

ultrasound techniques for

anisotropy and, 895, 895f

Crass position in, 881, 883f

modiied Crass position in, 881, 883f–884f

MRI compared to, 877–878

pitfalls in, 895, 895f

protocol for, 879–886, 880t

Shunt(s). See also Portosystemic shunts

for hydrocephalus, in neonatal/infant brain,

duplex Doppler sonography of, 1582,


in hydrocephalus, malfunction of, RI in, 1613,


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