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1364 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography

are favorable, placement of a permanent vesicoamniotic shunt

may be considered. Fetal urinary sodium (Na + ), calcium (Ca ++ ),

and β 2 -microglobulin (in combination) are the best predictors

of postnatal renal function. 215-220,222

Antenatal Predictors of Poor Postnatal

Renal Function


Severe oligohydramnios, especially if early onset

Increased renal echogenicity

Renal cortical cysts

Slow bladder reilling after vesicocentesis


↑ Sodium level (Na + )

↑ Calcium level (Ca ++ )

↑ β 2 -Microglobulin level


↑ β 2 -Microglobulin level

FIG. 39.38 Vesicoamniotic Shunt. Arrows indicate catheter in the

decompressed bladder (B) and amniotic luid. Note normal amniotic luid


Initially, ixed cutof values were suggested for each variable

as prognostic predictors. 82 However, the normal levels of most

parameters vary with gestational age and must be interpreted

accordingly. Speciically, sodium and β 2 -microglobulin levels

decrease throughout gestation, whereas calcium and creatinine

values rise. 215,216,221 In general, more hypotonic fetal urine correlates

with a more favorable outcome. Some groups advocate that

sequential urine sampling over 48 to 72 hours is most relective

of true renal function because an initial bladder tap will obtain

urine that has been present for an extended period of time. 215,223,224

A systematic review of 23 papers and 572 pregnancies reported

that the two most accurate tests of fetal renal function were

calcium and sodium above the 95th percentile for gestation,

while β 2 -microglobulin was slightly less accurate. 225 A recent

retrospective study of fetal urine biochemistry in 72 cases of

megacystis diagnosed before 23 weeks gestation supported the

usefulness of β 2 -microglobulin, sodium, chloride, and calcium

in deining a poor renal prognosis. 226

It has been suggested that fetal blood levels of β 2 -microglobulin

may better assess glomerular iltration rate than urinary markers,

which generally relect tubular function. 227 Blood sampling for

electrolytes and β 2 -microglobulin may also be useful when no

urine can be collected by vesicocentesis. 224 Recently, advances

in proteomics have allowed the identiication of 26 fetal urinary

peptides that show promise in predicting renal function ater

birth, although they are not yet integrated into clinical practice. 228

To date, a urinary function proile, which combines a number

of biochemical and sonographic predictors, appears to be of

greatest clinical value. We use the reference values published by

Muller and colleagues for fetal urinary sodium, calcium, and

β 2 -microglobulin. 221 Only carefully selected fetuses with “favorable”

fetal urinary analysis, despite signiicant oligohydramnios,

are likely to beneit from in utero intervention; and in our center,

only a handful of the fetuses who are referred with LUTO go

on to such treatment.

Our approach is to counsel the parents extensively beforehand,

with input from a multidisciplinary team of fetal medicine,

pediatrics, urology, nephrology, and social work specialists.

Parents are also given the opportunity to speak to others who

have faced similar dilemmas. Before any decision is made, we

try to ensure that they have an unbiased and complete account

of the situation and are fully aware that, despite successful shunt

placement, renal failure or pulmonary hypoplasia may still

ensue. 227,229-231

Vesicoamniotic shunting is performed by the percutaneous

insertion of a small, plastic, double-coiled Silastic pigtail catheter

into the bladder under continuous ultrasound guidance. To

facilitate insertion, amnioinfusion is undertaken beforehand.

Antibiotic prophylaxis and tocolysis (rectal indomethacin and

oral calcium channel blockers) are used. We strive to place the

shunt anteriorly in the midline, ideally below the umbilical cord

insertion 224 (Fig. 39.38). Color Doppler is used to help avoid

maternal and fetal blood vessels. Early intervention is probably

necessary for this procedure to successfully prevent pulmonary

hypoplasia and preserve renal function. 195 Typically AFV is low

before intervention. Occasionally, intervention may be considered

in light of documented worsening of renal function on urinalysis

or progressively abnormal renal appearance on ultrasound, despite

a normal AFV. Rarely, it may be warranted to place the shunt

directly into a dilated renal pelvis rather than the bladder. Shunts

may become blocked or dislodged and will require replacement

in some cases.

Recently, fetal cystoscopy and laser ablation of the posterior

urethral valves have been introduced as an alternative diagnostic

and therapeutic approach to the management of obstructive

uropathy. 232,233 heoretical advantages include more physiologic

drainage by allowing “cyclic voiding,” determining the cause of

LUTO by diferentiating posterior urethral valves (PUV) from

urethral atresia, avoiding the need for amnioinfusion, and avoiding

shunt complications, such as migration and blockage.

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