Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-23

Exudate ascites, 506–507

Exudates, pleural, sonographic appearance of,




abnormalities of, craniosynostosis and,


midface abnormalities of, 1148–1153

Face, fetal. See also Midface abnormalities; Neck,

fetal; Orbits, fetal

embryology and development of, 1133–1134,


forehead abnormalities in, 1137f, 1139–1140,

1139b, 1140f–1141f

hemangiomas of, 1154, 1160f

HPE changes to, 1189, 1189b

lower, abnormalities of, 1153–1154

macroglossia as, 1153, 1153b, 1158f

micrognathia as, 1153–1154, 1158f

retrognathia as, 1153–1154

midface abnormalities of, 1148–1153

normal, sonography of, 1134–1135, 1135f

orbital abnormalities in, 1140–1143

routine sonographic views of, 1021, 1024f

sot tissue tumors of, 1154, 1160f

Facial nerve, pediatric, anatomy of, 1630

Falciform ligament, 77, 79f

pediatric, 1731, 1731f–1732f

Fallopian tube(s), 585–589

anatomy of, 565, 565f

carcinoma in, 589

hydrosalpinx of, 585–587, 587f

normal sonographic appearance of, 568

pediatric, torsion of, 1875–1876

PID and, 587–589, 588f

torsion of, 589

Falx sign, bright, in osteogenesis imperfecta type

II, 1392

Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, primary

hyperparathyroidism distinguished from,


Familial juvenile nephronophthisis, 359

Familial paraganglioma syndromes,

pheochromocytomas with, 1826

Fanconi anemia, 1746

Fanconi pancytopenia, 1400, 1402f

Far ield, of beam, 8


necrotizing, of perineum, 846–847

planter, injection for, 902, 904f

Fascioliasis, 176–178, 177f–178f

FAST. See Focused abdominal sonography for


FASTER. See First and Second Trimester

Evaluation of Risk

Fastigial point, 1189–1190

Fat, Crohn disease and creeping, 269, 271f

Fat necrosis

injectable steroid complications with,


simulating anterior abdominal wall hernias, 500,


Fat-luid levels, in breast cysts, 775, 778f

Fatty liver, 91–92, 92f–93f

Fecal incontinence, anal endosonography in, 305,


Fecaliths, in acute appendicitis, 1857, 1859f

Feet. See Foot

Feminization, testicular, 1368

dysplastic gonads and, 1899

primary amenorrhea in, 1887

Feminizing adrenal tumors, pseudoprecocious

puberty and, 1888

Femoral artery

common, 966

AVF of, 974f

normal appearance of, 966–967, 967f

pseudoaneurysms of, 973f

stenosis of, 969f

supericial, 966

bypass grat of, 975f

calciication of, 968, 970f

normal appearance of, 966–967

occlusion of, 967f, 969f

stenosis of, 969f, 971f

Femoral canal, as landmark for femoral hernias,

482, 485f

Femoral hernias, 471, 481–483. See also Hernia(s),


Femoral vein

bifurcation of, 980–981


as landmark for femoral hernias, 482, 485f

normal anatomy of, 500, 981f

ultrasound examination of, 982–983

compression of, normal, 982f

DVT in duplicated, detecting, 988, 988f

normal, 989f

phasicity, 459, 459f–460f

Femur, fetal

bowing of, 1380f

deiciency of, proximal focal, 1400, 1400f

hypoplasia of, in caudal regression,


length of

assessment of, 1378, 1379t, 1380f

BPD in heterozygous achondroplasia

compared to, 1398, 1398f

in gestational age determination, 1448, 1449f,


in second-trimester, 1023f

short, etiology of, 1381

subtrochanteric, absence of, 1400

“telephone receiver”, 1380f

Femur, head of, pediatric

avascular necrosis of, 1930

in DDH assessment, 1923

position of, in evaluation of infant at risk,


in sonogram of hip from transverse/lexion view,

1927, 1928f

Femur-ibula-ulnar complex, 1400

Femur/foot length ratio, 1379

Femur-tibia-radius complex, 1400

Fertilization, cycle of, 1051, 1051f

Fetal akinesia sequence, 1401

Fetal alcohol syndrome, 1194

rhabdomyosarcoma associated with, 1908

Fetal artery, aberrant, sirenomelia from, 1238

Fetal Echocardiography, indications for, 1270–

1273, 1273b

Fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO), 1264

Fetal ibronectin (FFN), 1501

Fetal growth restriction, echogenic bowel and,


Fetal hemoglobin deicit, immune hydrops and,

1419. See also Hemoglobin, fetal

Fetal hydrops. See Hydrops, fetal

Fetal lobation, in kidneys, 317, 1781, 1781f

Fetal period, 1054

Fetal renal hamartomas, 1818–1820

Fetal therapy, cervical assessment and, 1505

FETO. See Fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion

Fetomaternal transfusion, maternal serum

alpha-fetoprotein elevation in, 1228

Fetter syndrome, craniosynostosis in,


Fetus. See also speciic organs

adrenal glands of

masses in, 1353–1354, 1353f, 1353t

normal, 1353, 1353f

assessment of, for alloimmunization, 1421–1423,

1421b, 1422f, 1422t

assessment of well-being of, 1455–1460

BPP for, 1456–1458, 1457f, 1457t

Doppler ultrasound for, 1458–1460,


“Buddha position” of, 1401

coexistent hydatidiform molar pregnancy and,

1078–1080, 1081f

death of

echogenic bowel and, 1316

maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein elevation

in, 1228

deinition of, 1445

ears of

abnormalities of, 1148, 1148f

length of, in trisomy 21, 1101

low-set, 1148

foot of, deformities of, 1404–1407

gestational age determination and measurements

of, 1016, 1016b, 1444–1449

age assignment and, 1449, 1450t

in irst trimester, 1444–1445, 1445f–1446f,


in second and third trimesters, 1446–1448,

1447f–1450f, 1447t–1449t

growth of

abnormalities of, 1453–1455

assessment of, 1022–1029

curves depicting, 1453, 1453f

restriction of, 1455

growth restriction of, echogenic bowel and, 1316

hand of, deformities of, 1404–1407

keepsake imaging of, 49b, 50

large-for-gestational age, 1453–1454

diabetic mothers and, 1454, 1455t

incidence of, 1453–1454

sonographic criteria for, 1454t–1455t

malformations of, diagnostic accuracy of, 1030

megacystis in, 1360, 1360b, 1360f

movements of, musculoskeletal development

and, 1378

MRI of, 1031–1032, 1031f

presentation of, determination of, 1021, 1022f

situs of, determination of, 1021, 1022f

small-for-gestational age, 1454–1455, 1454b

sonographic appearance of, normal, 1018f

weight assessment for, 1450–1453

in relation to gestational age, 1451–1453,

1452t, 1453f

weight estimation for, 1450–1453

formulas in, 1451, 1451t

gestational age compared to, 1453, 1453f

recommended approach in, 1451, 1452t

FFN. See Fetal ibronectin

Fibrinous peritonitis, 509f

Fibroadenoma, 797, 797f

Fibrochondrogenesis, 1396

Fibroelastosis, endocardial, fetal, 1294, 1295f

heart block and, 1425

Fibroglandular tissue, asymmetrical, split-screen

imaging and, 769, 769f

Fibroids, uterine, 538–540, 539f, 540b

Fibrolamellar carcinoma, 122–123

Fibrolipomas, coccygeal dimples and, 1679


cardiac, fetal, 1294

gastrointestinal, endosonographic identiication

of, 301

ovarian, 585, 586f

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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