Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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498 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography

FIG. 13.56 Recurrent Inguinal Hernia. Short-axis view shows small,

fat-containing, reducible (dotted line) hernia arising from inferomedial

edge of the mesh (m), where recurrent inguinal hernias most often

arise. See also Video 13.21.


FIG. 13.57 Detached Mesh With Hernia. Transverse extended–ieldof-view

image shows that a large piece of mesh used to repair a large

ventral hernia has become detached along its right edge (arrowhead),

allowing a recurrent hernia to protrude from under the detached edge


demonstrating signs of strangulation. Gray-scale sonography,

however, is sensitive. Doppler ultrasound shows arterial low

within hernias with some success (Fig. 13.60), but oten is not

sensitive enough to demonstrate venous low and cannot show

lymphatic low at all. Lymphatic and venous vessel walls are very

thin and easily compressed within by the tissues surrounding

the neck of the hernia. Arteries, on the other hand, are relatively

thick walled and incompressible and in general are not compressed

by the surrounding tissues. hus in strangulated hernias the

lymphatics and veins become obstructed long before arterial

low decreases. Blood can still supply the strangulated hernia

long ater venous and lymphatic outlow stops. he continued

inlow in the presence of obstructed outlow (1) increases

intravascular pressure, (2) causes increased transudation and

exudation of luid into the extracellular spaces, and (3) changes

the gray-scale appearance of the hernia even when Doppler

ultrasound can still detect arterial inlow. When both arterial

and venous low are seen in an otherwise unremarkable ventral

hernia, emergency surgery may not be indicated. 54 However, in


FIG. 13.58 Spiral Clips. (A) Anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis

shows spiral clips in both inguinal areas from bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphies.

(B) Characteristic sonographic appearance of a spiral clip


a study by Rettenbacher, the absence of blood low in the contents

of a hernia could not be taken as a sign of incarceration because

most incarcerated hernias in his series (78%) had detectable

blood low on color Doppler sonography. 34

In a retrospective study of sonographically examined hernias

(predominately ater indeterminate surgical physical examination)

149 abdominal wall hernias (in 131 patients) were found and

underwent surgery (Table 13.2). he most sensitive indings of

incarceration were free luid in the hernia sac, bowel wall thickening

in the hernia, luid in the herniated bowel loop, and dilated

bowel loops in the abdomen. 34 All 23 incarcerated abdominal

wall hernias were correctly interpreted preoperatively as incarcerated

by the investigating radiologists, whereas 2 of 126 nonincarcerated

hernias were considered incarcerated and were

therefore falsely positive for incarceration on sonography. 34

Strangulation of the hernia, which implies compromise of

blood low, has additional indings including the following:

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