Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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794 PART III Small Parts, Carotid Artery, and Peripheral Vessel Sonography


FIG. 21.51 Hypoechoic Carcinomas. Malignant nodules are often markedly hypoechoic in comparison to fat. Hypoechogenicity can be the

result of (A) high cellularity and high content of hyaluronic acid within the extracellular matrix, or (B) intense acoustic shadowing associated with

invasive carcinomas. (C) Necrosis within the lumen of tumor-containing ductules can cause marked hypoechogenicity in lesions composed of pure

ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).




RT BR 930 3B RAD


RT BR 930 3B RAD

FIG. 21.52 Harmonic Imaging Improves Mass Visibility. (A) Nodules that are isoechoic with surrounding tissues and dificult to identify with

fundamental imaging (arrows) often appear (B) markedly hypoechoic and more conspicuous (arrows) when viewed with harmonics.

Calciications that are narrower than the beam width do not

cast acoustic shadows, appear larger than their true size, and

appear less echogenic than their true echogenicity. Most benign

calciications lie within a fairly echogenic background, so that

when volume is averaged with the surrounding echogenic tissues,

they are no longer bright enough to be identiied sonographically.

Malignant calciications lie within rather homogeneously

hypoechoic tumor substance and remain visible even though

they are subject to volume averaging with surrounding tissues.

hus sonography can generally demonstrate a higher percentage

of malignant than benign microcalciications.

Associated Features

Other indings that can be associated with malignancy but are

less speciic than the suspicious features listed earlier include

architectural distortion, skin changes, edema, and elasticity. hese

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