Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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488 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography

rate and earlier recovery of full sports activity compared with

open surgery or conservative management. 40-42



Ventral hernias are hernias through the anterior and lateral

abdominal wall (excluding inguinal hernias). Midline hernias

FIG. 13.35 Strangulated Spigelian Hernia. Transverse extended–

ield-of-view image shows strangulated left spigelian hernia containing

large bowel and fat (arrows). Note the hyperechoic texture of the

edematous strangulated contents.

include umbilical, paraumbilical, epigastric, and hypogastic.

Included in our discussion of abdominal wall hernias are incisional

hernias, although these of course can occur where any incision

has been made. Spigelian hernias are discussed earlier with

inguinal region hernias, but when located above the groin, they

are also considered in this group of ventral hernias. Ater adhesions,

abdominal wall hernias are the second leading cause of

small bowel obstruction and account for 10% to 15% of all small

bowel obstructions. 43,44 However, as these authors point out, the

presence of a hernia does not imply that it is the source of the

obstruction. To establish the hernia as the obstructing point,

one must make an efort to demonstrate the dilated loop leading

into the hernia sac and a collapsed loop exiting from the point. 44

hese hernias have increased in incidence over time, 45 perhaps

related to our aging population and comorbidities such as obesity.

Linea Alba Hernias

Linea alba hernias are anterior abdominal wall hernias that

protrude through the linea alba. hose that occur superior to

the umbilicus are called epigastric hernias, and those that occur

inferior to the umbilicus are called hypogastric hernias. Hypogastric

hernias are much less common than epigastric hernias

because the linea alba is much narrower and shorter inferior to



FIG. 13.36 Inguinal Wall Insuficiency Versus Direct Inguinal Hernia. Long-axis views show different appearance of posterior inguinal

wall insuficiency and direct inguinal hernia. (A) Insuficiency of the posterior inguinal wall (long arrows). Short arrow is inferior epigastric artery.

(B) Frank direct inguinal hernia extends distally within the inguinal canal in a ingerlike projection (long arrows) posterior to the spermatic cord. At

the level of the proximal inguinal canal, the distinction is possible only on long-axis views, because insuficiency and frank hernia appear identical

on short-axis views obtained proximally. Short arrow is inferior epigastric artery.

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