Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-19

Diabetes mellitus

chronic renal failure in, 372


caudal agenesis and, 1689

LGA fetus and, 1454, 1455t

NTDs from, 1218


acquired cystic kidney disease associated with,


acquired renal cysts in, pediatric, 1816–1818,


peritoneal, continuous ambulatory, 521

postoperative ultrasound evaluation for, 996

preoperative ultrasound for, 996

Diamond-Blackfan syndrome, 1401


duodenal, 1841–1842, 1844f

eventration of, 1716


agenesis of, 1258

defect of anterior, pentalogy of Cantrell and,


development of, 1244f, 1245

eventration of, 1258, 1262–1263

gastric, pediatric, 1839, 1840f

interventional sonography and anatomy of,

pediatric, 1950, 1950f


disorders of, 1716, 1718f–1720f

paralysis of, 1716, 1719f–1720f

rupture of, 1716, 1720f

Diaphragm sign, as pleural luid sonographic sign,


Diaphragmatic hernia

congenital, 1248t, 1258–1264

anomalies associated with, 1263

bilateral, 1262

fetal lung size and, 1244

FETO for, 1264

let-sided, 1258–1259, 1260f

morbidity and mortality from, 1264, 1264t

prognosis of, 1261–1262, 1262b

right-sided, 1259, 1261f

survival predictors in, 1262, 1262b

in utero therapy for, 1264

fetal, hydrops from, 1425

pediatric, 1716, 1718f

thickened NT in, 1095–1096

Diaphragmatic pericardium, pentalogy of Cantrell

and, 1329

Diaphragmatic slips, 80

Diastasis recti abdominis, 489–490, 489f

Diastematomyelia, 1674, 1681

closed spinal dysraphism and, 1688–1689, 1688f

fetal, 1234–1235, 1236f

Diastolic runof, prolonged, carotid low

waveforms and, 936–937

Diastrophic dwarism

indings associated with, 1382

hitchhiker thumb in, 1382, 1406

Diastrophic dysplasia, 1398, 1398f

DICA. See Distal internal carotid artery

Dichorionic diamniotic twins, 1019f, 1115–1116,


growth discrepancy in, 1123f

placental indings in, 1119

sonographic indings of, chorionicity and, 1119,


Didelphys uterus, 534, 536f–537f, 1881

Diencephalon, 1077

Diethylstilbestrol (DES)

cervical assessment in, 1505

uterus exposure to, 534, 536f, 1881

Difuse relectors, 4, 5f

Difuse steatosis, 91, 92f

Difusion tensor imaging, in PVL, 1553

DiGeorge syndrome, 1196

neuroblastoma with, pediatric, 1825

DiGeorge syndrome, fetal thymus evaluation for,


Digestive tube, embryology of, 1304–1305

Digital rectal examination (DRE), 381–382, 387

Dilated bowel, fetal, 1313

Dilated distal ureter, 592

Dilated loops of bowel, 1310, 1311f

fetal gastroschisis and, 1323–1324

Dilated loops of small bowel, 1311–1312

Dilated stomach, fetal, 1307, 1308f

Diploid karyotype, complete molar pregnancy and,


Diplomyelia, in diastematomyelia, 1236f

Direct controls, 48, 49t

Direction of low index (DFI), 1618

Discriminatory level, for seeing gestational sac,


Disjunction, in spine embryology, 1672–1673

Dislocations, pediatric. See also Developmental

dislocation and dysplasia of hip

frank, of hip, 1927

of hip, developmental, 1920–1930

Displaced-crus sign, as pleural luid sonographic

sign, 1709

Disruption-replenishment imaging, 66–67, 67f

Disruptions, deinition of, 1376, 1377t, 1399

Dissection complications, renal artery stenosis and,

447, 448f

Distal cholangiocarcinoma, 188, 192f

Distal internal carotid artery (DICA)

SCD and stenosis of, 1606f

as transtemporal approach landmark, 1592,


Diuretic therapy, medullary nephrocalcinosis and,


Diverticulation. See also Holoprosencephaly

neonatal/infant brain and disorders of,


in organogenesis, 1524, 1525f


acute, 288–290

classic features of, 288–290

muscular hypertrophy from, 290, 291f

pericolonic changes in, 290, 292f

sonography of, 290, 290b

focally inlamed fat in, 521

right-sided, 285–287, 288f

Diverticulosis, spastic, 288–290


bladder, 374, 374f

identiication of, 592

calyceal, renal milk of calcium and, 1799, 1800f

colonic, 290, 291f

of common bile duct, 1735

Hutch, 310


intussusception and, 1844–1845, 1849f

pediatric appendicitis diferentiated from,

1858–1860, 1862f

urachal, 322, 323f

pediatric, 1907–1908, 1909f

urethral, 323, 323f

anterior, pediatric, bladder outlet obstruction

from, 1906

urinary bladder, transitional cell carcinoma in,


ventricular, 1294

vesicourachal, pediatric, 1775, 1791

Dizygotic (fraternal) twins, 1115–1116, 1116f

Dolichocephaly, 1136

Donor renal vein, anastomosis, in renal

transplantation, 643

Doppler angle, 21–22, 24f, 29b, 30

Doppler angle theta. See Angle theta, Doppler

Doppler beam, vessel paralleling, in color Doppler,


Doppler efect, 21–22, 23f

Doppler frequency, 29

Doppler frequency shit, 21–22, 23f–24f

Doppler gain, 30, 33f

Doppler indices, 27–28, 27f

Doppler spectrum, 925

interpretation of, 25–28, 27f

Doppler ultrasound. See also Carotid artery(ies),

Doppler spectral analysis for; Color

Doppler ultrasound; Duplex Doppler

sonography; Kidneys, pediatric, vascular

disease of, Doppler assessment of; Liver,

pediatric, Doppler assessment of;

Obstetric sonography; Power Doppler

ultrasound; Transcranial Doppler


aliasing in, 29b, 32f

artifact sources in, 29b

backscatter and, 21–22, 23f, 35

bioefects of obstetric sonography and, 1041

for breast assessment, 768–772, 770f–773f

cysts in, 769–770, 770f

cavernous hemangiomas characterized by,


cirrhosis of liver characteristics in, 95, 95f

complete venous, for lower extremity peripheral

veins, 989

continuous wave, 24, 25f

Doppler angle and, 21–22, 24f, 29b, 30

Doppler efect and, 21–22, 23f

Doppler equations and, 21–22, 23f–24f

Doppler frequency and, 29

Doppler frequency shit and, 21–22, 23f–24f

Doppler gain and, 30, 33f

Doppler indices and, 27–28, 27f

Doppler spectrum and, interpretation of, 25–28,


for ductus venosus assessment, 1458, 1459f

for fetal well-being assessment, 1458–1460,


FNH characterized by, 113

gut wall evaluation with, 260–261, 262f

harmonic spectral and power, 60–61, 60f–62f

hilar cholangiocarcinoma assessment with,

187–188, 189f–191f

instrumentation for, 24–25, 25b, 25f–26f

for intussusception, pediatric, 1849f

of liver transplantation recipient, pediatric,


lymphadenopathy assessment with, 771–772,


for MCA

in fetal alloimmunization detection, 1421,


fetal assessment of, 1458–1460, 1460f

for musculoskeletal system, 857, 857f

obstetric, sample volume and velocity range in,


operating modes in, 30–31

overview and physics of, 21–30

pediatric kidney assessment with, 1778

pediatric liver assessment with, 1748–1764

placental vascularity and, 1467–1469

portal hypertension assessment with, 1748–1764

for PTN, 1083

pulse inversion, 63–64

pulsed wave, 24, 25f

testicular low, 1890

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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