Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1654 PART V Pediatric Sonography



FIG. 48.45 Dermoid Cyst. Gray-scale (A) and color Doppler (B) transverse images show a well-deined, right paramidline, avascular infrahyoid

lesion containing internal echoes and posterior through transmission. The lesion is in the deep subcutaneous layer, immediately supericial to the

strap muscles.



FIG. 48.46 Cervical Teratoma. (A) Poor deinition of soft tissue planes caused by a complex iniltrative mass containing cystic, solid, and calciied

areas (arrow). (B) Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance image shows complex cystic and solid mass iniltrating the parotid, masseter, submandibular,

parapharyngeal, and carotid space soft tissues.

recommended because these anomalies are at risk for rupture

or infection, and 5% will undergo malignant degeneration to

squamous cell neoplasms. 93,98


Cervical teratomas are rare, occurring in 1 per 40,000 live births

but representing 5% to 14% of all neonatal teratomas. 154-156 hese

lesions are believed to arise from pluripotential cells of two or

three germ layers isolated at sites distant to the anatomic site of

origin. 154,157 About 90% of childhood teratomas consist of all

three germ layers with variable diferentiation, and 75% to 85%

of head and neck tumors contain neuroectodermal tissue. 154 Most

cervical teratomas are benign, with rare malignant diagnosis. 156,157

hese lesions typically occur as a large, iniltrative cystic and

solid mass in the anterior and lateral neck. 5,156 Airway impingement

is the most common cause of morbidity; therefore, prenatal

identiication of the lesion may help deine management at

delivery. 156,158 Sonography demonstrates a multilocular heterogeneous

mass containing solid and cystic components, with

calciications in 50% of cases 156,158,159 (Fig. 48.46). Mortality

approaches 100% if the lesions are not immediately managed

and resected. 158,160

Vascular Lesions

Vascular Anomalies

In 1982, Mulliken and Glowacki 161 proposed a classiication

separating vascular anomalies into two groups, tumors versus

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