Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 26 The Extracranial Cerebral Vessels 933

tissue structures, which lack a detectable phase or frequency

shit, are assigned an amplitude value and displayed in a

gray-scale format with lowing blood in vessels superimposed

in color. Color assignments depend on the direction of blood

low relative to the Doppler transducer. Blood low toward the

transducer appears in one color and blood low away from the

transducer is in another. hese color assignments are arbitrary.

Color saturation displays indicate the variable velocity of blood

low. Deeper shades usually indicate low velocities centered

around the zero-velocity color-low baseline. As velocity

increases, the shades become lighter or are assigned a diferent

color hue. Some systems allow selected frequency shits to be

displayed in a contrasting color, such as green. his green-tag

feature provides a real-time estimation of the presence of

high-velocity low.

Setting the color Doppler scale can also be used to create an

aliasing artifact corresponding to the highest-velocity low within

a vessel (see Figs. 26.16B, 26.18, and 26.21). hese high-velocity

jets pinpoint areas for spectral analysis. Color assignments are

a function of both the mean frequency shit produced by moving

RBC ensembles and the Doppler angle theta. If the vessel is

tortuous or diving, angle theta between the transducer and vessel

will change along the course of the vessel, resulting in changing

color assignments that are unrelated to the change in RBC

velocity. he color assignments will reverse in tortuous vessels

as their course changes relative to the Doppler transducer, even

though the absolute direction of low is unchanged. Portions of

a vessel that parallel the Doppler beam when angle theta is 90

degrees will have little or no frequency shit detected, and no

color will be seen.

Optimal Settings for Low-Flow Vessel Evaluation

Color Doppler low studies should be performed with optimal

low sensitivity and gain settings. Color low should ill the

entire vessel lumen but not spill over into adjacent sot tissues.

he pulse repetition frequency (PRF) and frame rates should

be set to allow visualization of low phenomena anticipated in

a vessel. Frame rates will vary as a function of the width of

the area chosen for color Doppler display and for depth of the

region of interest. he greater the color image area is, the slower

the frame rate will be. he deeper the posterior boundary of

the color image is, the slower the PRF will be. Color Doppler

sensitivity should be adjusted to detect anticipated velocities,

Optimization of Color Doppler Low-Flow

Vessel Evaluation

Use low pulse repetition frequency

Use Doppler angle of less than 60 degrees

Increase gain setting

Increase power setting

Decrease wall ilter

Increase persistence

Increase dwell time

such that if slow low in a preocclusive carotid lesion is sought,

low-low settings with decreased sampling rates are employed.

However, the system will then alias at lower velocities because of

the decrease in PRF. In addition to changes in the PRF, optimization

of the Doppler angle, increases in gain and power settings,

decrease in the wall ilter, increase in persistence, and increase

in ensemble or dwell time can be used to optimize low-low


Flowing blood becomes, in efect, its own contrast medium,

with color or power Doppler outlining the patent vessel lumen.

his allows determination of the true course of the vessel, facilitating

positioning of the Doppler cursor and thus providing more

reliable velocity determinations. Furthermore, color Doppler

facilitates Doppler spectral analysis by rapidly identifying areas

of low abnormalities. he highest velocities in the region of and

immediately distal to a stenosis are seen as aliasing high-velocity

jets of color. Color Doppler ultrasound facilitates placing the

pulsed Doppler range gate in the region of these most striking

color abnormalities for pulsed Doppler spectral analysis. he

presence of a stenosis can be determined by color Doppler changes

in the vessel lumen as well as by visible luminal narrowing.

Although color Doppler can be used to determine the presence

of hypoechoic plaque, it cannot be used optimally to determine

the area of patent lumen in transverse projection because the

optimal angle for measuring the area or diameter of narrowing

is at 90 degrees to the long axis of the vessel, which is the

worst angle for color Doppler imaging. Gray-scale assessment,

power Doppler, or B-low imaging should be used to assess the

diameter/area of the patent carotid lumen (see Fig. 26.12). If a

stenosis produces a bruit or thrill, the resultant perivascular

tissue vibrations may be seen as transient speckles of color

in the adjacent sot tissues, more prominent during systole 124

(Fig. 26.24).

Comparisons of color Doppler ultrasound with conventional

duplex Doppler sampling techniques and angiography have shown

relatively similar accuracy, sensitivity, and speciicity. 125,126

However, color Doppler ofers many beneits, including a reduction

in examination time by pinpointing areas of color Doppler

abnormality for pulsed Doppler spectral analysis. 126 Branches of

the ECA are readily detected, facilitating diferentiation from

the ICA. he real-time low information over a large crosssectional

area provides a global overview of low abnormalities

and allows ready determination of the course of a vessel. Furthermore,

color Doppler improves diagnostic conidence and

reproducibility of ultrasound studies, thereby avoiding many

potential diagnostic pitfalls.

he laminar blood low is disrupted in the region of the carotid

bifurcation where there is a normal transient low reversal

opposite the origin of the ECA (see Fig. 26.19). Color Doppler

displays this normal low separation as an area of low reversal

located along the outer wall of the carotid bulb, which appears

either at early systole or in peak systole and persists for a variable

period into the diastolic part of the cardiac cycle. 127,128 his low

reversal can produce some strikingly bizarre pulsed Doppler

waveforms; however, the color Doppler appearance readily

discerns the nature of these waveform changes. Furthermore,

the absence of this low reversal may be abnormal and may

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