Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-44 Index

Pancreas (Continued)

percutaneous needle biopsy of, 604–605, 605f

pseudoaneurysms of, 230, 230f

pseudocysts of

acute pancreatitis complications with,

228–229, 229f

chronic pancreatitis complications with, 232,


drainage of, 230, 615–617, 617f

pediatric pancreatitis and, 1864–1865, 1865f

pseudomass of, 214–215, 217f

shape of, 214–215, 217f

size of, 214, 216f

sonographic technique for, 210–219, 211f

tail of, 213, 214f

Pancreas divisum, 218, 220f

pediatric pancreatitis and, 1862–1864, 1864f

Pancreas transplantation, 666–682

abnormal, 676–682

AVF as, 678, 680f

luid collections as, 682, 683f

pancreatitis as, 679–682, 681f

pseudoaneurysms as, 678, 680f

rejection as, 678–679, 681f

thrombosis as, 677–678, 678f–679f

alloimmune arteritis ater, 677

bladder drainage in, 668–672, 675f

CEUS for, 676

duodenal leaks ater, 682

endocrine drainage in, 672, 675f

enteric drainage in, 672

infection ater, 682

normal appearance ater, 676, 676f

surgical techniques for, 668–676, 673t, 675f

venous drainage in, 672–676

Pancreatic duct, 215–218, 219f–220f

Pancreaticoduodenectomy, 233


acute, 219–230

abscess complications of, 230

biliary sludge and, 221

causes of, 221, 221t

clinical spectrum of, 220–221

common bile duct stones and, 221

complications of, 225–230, 225b

enlarged pancreas from, 222, 223f

luid collection complications in, 228, 228f

gallstones and, 221

imaging approach for, 221–222, 221b

necrosis complications of, 230

pseudocyst complications in, 228–230, 229f

treatment for complications of, 230

ultrasound indings in, 222–225, 222t,


vascular complications of, 230, 230f–231f

autoimmune, 236, 237f

chronic, 230–236

imaging approach for, 231

masses associated with, 233–236, 235f–237f

portal vein thrombosis in, 232–233, 235f

pseudocysts in, 232, 233f–234f

sclerosing, 236

splenic vein thrombosis in, 232–233,


tumefactive, 236

ultrasound indings on, 231–233, 231f–235f

lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing, 236

ater pancreas transplantation, 679–682, 681f

pediatric, 1862–1865, 1864f–1865f

Pancreatoblastoma, pediatric, 1865

Pancytopenia, Fanconi, 1400, 1402f

Panovarian cysts, 573

Pantaloon hernias, 493–494, 495f

Papillary apocrine metaplasia (PAM), 778f, 779,


mural nodules caused by, 782, 783f–784f

Papillary carcinoma

ethanol ablation of cervical nodal metastasis

from, 720, 721f

of thyroid gland, 698–701, 701f–705f

cystic, sonographic features of, 705f, 713

pediatric, 1648, 1649f

Papillary cystadenomas, of epididymis, 840–841

Papillary microcarcinoma, of thyroid, 701, 706f

Papillary necrosis, 328–329, 329b, 329f

Papillary process, 75–76


breast, 769–771, 770f

intracystic, 782, 783f

intraductal, 799, 799f–800f

peripheral, 799, 800f

choroid plexus

Aicardi syndrome and giant pigmented nevi

in, 1209

neonatal/infant, 1562, 1565f

in neonatal/infant brain, duplex Doppler

sonography of, 1588f

VM with, 1177–1178

transitional cell, lower urinary tract, pediatric,


VM with, 1177–1178

PAPP-A. See Pregnancy-associated plasma protein


Paracentesis, 610, 610f

Paracoccidiomycosis, 423

Paradidymis, 820–821

Paragangliomas, carotid body tumors and,

947–948, 949f

Paralabral cysts, injection for, 907–909, 910f–911f

Parallel orientation, in breast sonography

not (taller-than-wide), 789–790, 792f

wider-than-tall, 797, 797f

Paralytic ileus, 294f, 295

Parameniscal cysts, 907–909

Paramesonephric duct cysts, pediatric. See

Müllerian ducts

Parapelvic cysts, 359, 360f

Paraplegia, traumatic, neurogenic bladder in, 1907

Parapneumonic collections, in pediatric chest,


Pararenal spaces, inlammation in, in acute

pancreatitis, 224–225, 225f

Parasagittal infarction, from hypoxic-ischemic

injury in full-term infant, 1541

Parasites, fetal brain and, 1203–1204

Parasitic diseases

of genitourinary tract, 331

of liver, 87–90, 89f–90f

Paratenon, 859

Parathyroid glands. See also Hyperparathyroidism

adenomas of

carcinomas diferentiated from, 735–736, 738f

carotid sheath/undescended, 740, 742f

combined modalities for accuracy with, 748

compression for detection of, 739

CT accuracy for, 748, 748f

echogenicity of, 735, 736f

ectopic locations of, 739–741

false-negative examination for, 745b, 746

false-positive examination for, 745–746, 745b

ine-needle aspiration biopsy accuracy for, 746

hypoechoic, 735

imaging accuracy with, 746–749

inferior, 738–739, 739f

internal architecture of, 735, 736f

intrathyroid, 740, 742f

localization of, 736–741

mediastinal, 740, 741f, 748

MRI accuracy in, 748, 749f

multiple gland disease in, 735, 738f

percutaneous needle biopsy of, 750–751, 753f

pitfalls in examination of, 745–746, 745b

Parathyroid glands (Continued)

retrotracheal/retroesophageal, 739–740, 740f

scintigraphy accuracy for, 747, 747f

shape of, 735, 735f

size of, 735, 737f

sonographic appearance of, 735–736

sonographic examination and typical

locations in, 736–739, 739f

superior, 738–739, 739f

surgical removal of, 749, 750f

ultrasound accuracy for, 746–747, 748f

vascularity of, 735, 737f

anatomy of, 732–733, 733f

autotransplantation of tissue of, recurrent

hyperparathyroidism from, 742–744,


carcinoma of

adenomas diferentiated from, 735–736, 738f

primary hyperparathyroidism from,


ectopic, 733, 739–741

embryology of, 732–733

enlarged, in secondary hyperparathyroidism,


eutopic, 733

inferior, 733

pediatric, 1650, 1650f

supernumerary, 733

Parathyroid hormone, chief cells in production of,


Parathyroidectomy, minimal-access, for primary

hyperparathyroidism, 749, 750f

Parathyromatosis, in persistent

hyperparathyroidism, 744, 744f

Paratubal cysts, 573

Paraumbilical hernias, 492

Paraumbilical veins, pediatric

low direction in, in portal hypertension, 1752,

1757, 1758f

in intrahepatic portal hypertension, 1761

Paraurethral cysts, pediatric, 1883–1884

Parenchymal abscess, pediatric renal

transplantation and, 1812

Parenchymal calciication, renal, 339–340, 340f

Parenchymal junctional defects, 313, 314f

Parietal peritoneal line, 510–511

Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome, 1633–1634

Parotid glands, pediatric

accessory, 1630

acinic cell carcinoma of, 1638, 1639f

anatomy of, 1630, 1630f

bacterial infections in, 1632–1633, 1632f

deep lobe of, 1630

hemangiomas of, 1636, 1637f

lipomas of, 1639

lymphatic malformation of, 1636, 1637f

nodal enlargement in, 1633–1634

peripheral nerve sheath tumors of, 1639

Parotid space, pediatric, 1629, 1630f

cystic lesions of, 1639, 1640b


HIV and, 1635, 1636f

juvenile, recurrent, 1634, 1634f

from mumps, 1632

Parovarian cysts, pediatric, 1875, 1876f

Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, fetal,

1296, 1296f

Partial molar pregnancy, 1078, 1080f

Partial subclavian steal, 952–953, 953b, 953f

Partial-thickness rotator cuf tears, 887–888,


Particulate ascites, 507

Parvovirus infection, fetal

hydrops from, 1431–1432, 1431f

massive ascites in, 1418–1419

Pascals, 16

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