Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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48 PART I Physics


With all the potential causes for bioefects, we must now examine

the epidemiologic evidence that has been used in part to justify

the apparent safety of ultrasound. In 1988 Ziskin and Petitti 92

reviewed the epidemiologic studies conducted until then and

concluded, “Epidemiologic studies and surveys in widespread

clinical usage over 25 years have yielded no evidence of any

adverse efect from diagnostic ultrasound.” However, a 2008

review 93 of the epidemiology literature conducted by an AIUM

subcommittee resulted in a revised AIUM statement regarding

the epidemiology of diagnostic ultrasound safety in obstetrics. 94

he earlier statements indicated that no conirmed efects associated

with ultrasound exposure existed at that time. However,

the distinction being made in the current AIUM statement is

that although some efects may have been detected now, one

cannot justify a conclusion of a causal relationship based on this


Epidemiologic studies are diicult to conduct, and data analysis

and interpretation of results can be even more diicult. Several

epidemiologic studies of fetal exposure to ultrasound have claimed

to detect certain bioefects and have also been criticized. Only

one indication of an unspeciied efect was reported in a general

survey involving an estimated 1.2 million examinations in

Canada. 95 However, this is an extremely low incidence, with no

follow-up to determine the nature of the efect. In addition, an

earlier study that included 121,000 fetal examinations reported

no efect. 96 Moore and colleagues 97 reported an increased incidence

of low birth weight, whereas Stark and colleagues 98 examined

the same data using a diferent statistical treatment and found

no signiicant increase. Scheidt and colleagues 99 noted abnormal

grasp and tonic neck relexes. hese results are diicult to

interpret, however, given the statistical treatment of the data.

Stark and colleagues 98 detected an increased incidence of dyslexia,

but the same children exhibited below-average birth weights.

General problems also plague the epidemiologic studies, including

the lack of clearly stated exposure conditions and gestational

age, problems in statistical sampling (with both positive and

negative results), and use of older scanning systems, particularly

with fetal Doppler ultrasound. Dyslexia was examined as part

of two randomized trials, including speciic long-term follow-up

that showed no statistical diference between ultrasound-exposed

and control subjects. 100,101

Ziskin and Petitti 92 also summarized the factors in evaluating

epidemiologic evidence. It is important to recognize that epidemiologic

evidence can be used to identify an association between

exposures and biologic efects, but that this does not prove the

exposure caused the bioefect. he strength of the association is

established by the statistical signiicance of the relationship. Hill 102

and Abramowicz and colleagues 93 have developed the following

seven criteria for judging causality:

1. Strength of the association

2. Consistency in reproducibility and with previous, related


3. Speciicity to a particular bioefect or exposure site

4. Classic time relationship of cause followed by efect

5. Existence of a dose response

6. Plausibility of the efect

7. Supporting evidence from laboratory studies

When considering these factors, no clear causal relationship

seems to exist between an adverse biologic response and ultrasound

exposure of a diagnostic nature.

Newnham and colleagues 103 reported higher intrauterine

growth restriction during a study designed to determine the

eicacy of ultrasound in reducing the number of neonatal days

and prematurity rate. herefore the study was not designed to

detect an adverse bioefect, but a statistically signiicant efect

was observed as a result of subsequent data analysis. Several

other deiciencies in methodology are evident in the selection

and exposure of the experimental groups, but in general, some

association might be inferred from the results of this wellconducted,

randomized clinical trial. In a case-control study,

Campbell and colleagues 104 reported a statistically signiicant

higher rate of delayed speech in children who were insoniied

in utero. Evidence of association is not as strong in case-control

studies as in prospective studies, and measures of delayed speech

are diicult. Subsequently, Salvesen and colleagues 105 found no

signiicant diferences in delayed speech, limited vocabulary, or

stuttering in a study of 1107 children exposed in utero and 1033




he most important issue regarding potential bioefects involves

actions the physician or sonographer can take to minimize these

efects. It is essential that operators understand the risks involved

in the process, but without some ability to control the output of

the ultrasound system, this knowledge has limited use. Some

speciic methods can be used to limit ultrasound exposure while

maintaining diagnostically relevant images.

Controls for the ultrasound system can be divided into direct

controls and indirect controls (Table 2.2). he direct controls

are the application types and output intensity. Application types

are those broad system controls that allow convenient selection

of a particular examination type. hese oten come in the form

of icons that are selected by the user. hese default settings help

minimize the time required to optimize the imaging parameters

for the myriad applications for diagnostic ultrasound. hese

settings should be used only as indicated (e.g., do not use the

cardiac settings for a fetal examination). Output intensity (also

called “power,” “output,” or “transmit”) controls the overall

ultrasonic power emitted by the transducer. his control will

generally afect the intensity at all points in the image to varying

degrees, depending on the focusing. he lowest output intensity

that produces a good image should be used, to minimize the

exposure intensity. Focusing of the system is controlled by the

operator and can be used to improve image quality while limiting

required acoustic intensity. Focusing at the correct depth can

improve the image without requiring increased intensity.

he many indirect controls greatly afect the ultrasound

exposure by dictating how the ultrasonic energy is distributed

temporally and spatially. By choosing the mode of ultrasound

used (e.g., B-mode, pulsed Doppler, color Doppler), the operator

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