Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-7

Bioefects (Continued) Biopsy(ies) (Continued) Bladder (Continued)

epidemiology of, 48

of HIFU, 31–33, 33f

mechanical, 32

of obstetric sonography

animal research and, 1038–1039

behavioral changes and, 1040–1041

birth weight and, 1040

childhood malignancies and, 1041

congenital malformations and, 1041

delayed speech and, 1040

Doppler ultrasound and, 1041

dwell time and, 1036

dyslexia and, 1040

human studies on, 1039–1041

instrument outputs and, 1035–1036

mechanical, 1038

neurologic development and, 1040–1041

nonright-handedness and, 1040

scanning mode and, 1035

system setup and, 1035–1036, 1035f–1037f

thermal, 1036–1038

operating modes and, 30–31

output control and, 48–50, 49t

output display standard and, 46–47, 46f

output regulation and, 34–35

physical efects of sound and, 35

thermal, 32, 35–40

AIUM summary statement on, 40, 40b–41b

bone heating and, 37, 37f, 37t

estimating, 40

hyperthermia and safety and, 38, 38f

mechanism of, 35

in obstetric sonography, 1036–1038

sot tissue heating and, 37–38, 37f

spatial focusing and, 35

temporal considerations in, 36, 36f

tissue type and, 36, 36f

ultrasound output and, regulation of, 34–35

user concerns and, 31

Biometry, second-trimester, 1021, 1023f

Biophysical proile (BPP), 1456–1458, 1457f, 1457t

Biopsy(ies). See also Transrectal ultrasound, biopsy

guided by

chest wall lesion, ultrasound-guided, 1724–1725

ine-needle aspiration

parathyroid adenoma and accuracy of, 746

of thyroid gland, 709–710, 710t, 722

interventional sonography devices for, 1950

liver, percutaneous, 132–133

post-transplant bile leaks from, 627–629

mediastinal mass, pediatric, 1956, 1959f

percutaneous needle, 597–609

abscess complications with, 609, 610f

of adrenal gland, 606–607, 608f

of breast nodules, ultrasound-guided,

811–815, 813f–814f

for cervical lymph nodes, 717–718, 718f

color Doppler ultrasound for, 599

complications of, 608–609

computed tomography for, 599

contraindications to, 597–598

“freehand” technique for, 600, 602f

hemorrhage complications with, 608, 609f

imaging methods for, 599

indications for, 597–598

infection complications with, 609

of kidney, 605–606, 606f–607f

of liver, 603–604, 603f–604f

of lung, 607–608, 609f

needle selection for, 599–600

needle visualization in, 601–603, 602f

of pancreas, 604–605, 605f

of parathyroid adenomas, 750–751, 753f

periprocedural antithrombotic management

and, 598–599

procedure for, 600–601, 601f

of spleen, 607, 608f

for thyroid gland, 715–720, 718f–719f, 721f

transducer sterilization for, 600


PSA-directed, 395

ultrasound-guided, 407–411, 408f

renal, pediatric, Doppler assessment of, 1809,


of renal cell carcinoma staging, 343–344, 345f

targeted organ lesion, 1961, 1961f–1962f


of adrenal glands, 428, 429f

of spleen, 161

Biparietal diameter (BPD)

corrected, in gestational age determination,

1447, 1447t, 1448f

femur length compared to, in heterozygous

achondroplasia, 1398, 1398f

in gestational age determination, 1446, 1447f

long-bone lengths and, at diferent menstrual

ages, 1379t

nasal bones in trisomy 21 and, 1099–1100

in second-trimester, 1023f

BI-RADS. See Breast Imaging Reporting and Data


Birth, preterm. See Preterm birth

Birth weight

discordance, in multifetal pregnancy, 1123

obstetric sonography and, 1040

Birt-Hogg-Dubé, hereditary oncocytosis,


Bladder. See also Cystitis

adenocarcinoma of, 348

agenesis of, 322

anatomy of, 314

calculi in, 338–339, 339f

pediatric, 1908

carcinomas of

squamous cell, 348

transitional cell, 347–348, 350f

cavernous hemangiomas of, 356

development of, 311, 312f

congenital anomalies related to, 322

diverticula, 374, 374f

identiication of, 592

drainage to, in pancreas transplantation,

668–672, 675f

duplication of, 322

endometriosis of, 372, 372f

exstrophy of, 322

fetal, 1339, 1340f

cloacal exstrophy and inability to visualize,


exstrophy of, 1365–1366, 1366f

maximum volume of, 1339

nonvisualized, 1365, 1365b

routine sonographic view of, 1026f

rupture of, from posterior urethral valves,

1361, 1361f

istulas of, 334, 335f

function of, in spina biida, 1233

leiomyomas of, 356

leiomyosarcoma of, 356

lymphomas of, 353, 354f

malacoplakia and, 333, 333f

mesenchymal tumors of, 356

metastases to, 354–355, 355f

neck of, 314

neuroibromas of, 356

neurogenic, 372–374, 373f


augmentation of, 1912–1913, 1913f

calculi in, 1908

dysfunctional, 1907–1908

neurogenic, 1907–1908

postoperative, 1912–1913, 1913f

spontaneous rupture of, 1912

pheochromocytomas of, 356

rare tumors of, 356

rhabdomyosarcomas of, 356

schistosomiasis of, 331, 331f

sonographic technique for, 314–315

trauma to, 366

urachal anomalies of, 322, 323f

wall of

causes of thickening of, 333b

interstitial cystitis and thickening of, 372, 373f

prune belly syndrome and thin walled,


Bladder, pediatric. See also Urinary tract, pediatric

exstrophy of, hydronephrosis and, 1791, 1791f

neurogenic, pediatric hydronephrosis and,


normal anatomy of, 1783, 1783f

outlet of, obstruction of, pediatric

hydronephrosis and, 1788, 1789f–1790f

postvoid scanning of, 1872

rhabdomyosarcoma of, 1820, 1823f

tumors of, 1820, 1823f

pediatric hydronephrosis and, 1788

volume of

determination of, 1778, 1780f

shape and correction coeicient for,


wall thickness of, determination of, 1778–1781,


Bladder exstrophy, fetal, 1326, 1328f

Bladder lap hematomas, cesarean sections and,

556–557, 557f

Bladder outlet obstruction, pediatric

causes of, 1905–1906, 1905b

epididymitis and, 1897

Blake pouch

cerebellum and, 1189

cyst of

arachnoid cysts diferentiated from,


sonographic appearance of, 1170, 1173f

Dandy-Walker malformation diferentiated

from, 1190

formation of, 1167

Blastocyst, 1049

Blastocyte stage, 1051, 1051f


adenoma and, 117, 118f

endometrial abnormalities with, 544, 544b

postmenopausal bleeding as, 545–546

intraamniotic, fetal echogenic bowel and,


in placenta previa, 1469

uterine postpartum indings with, 554

vaginal, hydatidiform molar pregnancy and,


Block vertebrae

imperforate anus with, 1689, 1692f

in scoliosis and kyphosis, 1235


autologous, intratendinous injection of, 909–910,


fetal, sampling of

in hydrops diagnosis, 1434–1435, 1435f

in immune hydrops, 1421

incompatible, immune hydrops from, 1419–1421

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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