Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 30 The First Trimester 1075



FIG. 30.34 Cesarean Scar Implantation. (A) TAS at 7 weeks’ gestation shows a sac (white arrow) in the anterior lower uterine segment, far

from the uterine fundus (black arrow). (B) TVS shows the sac in the region of the c-section scar with an embryo (calipers) and yolk sac. No

myometrium is visualized anterior to the sac. See also Video 30.8.



FIG. 30.35 Abdominal Ectopic Pregnancy. A 19-year-old woman with acute abdominal pain and syncope. (A) Sagittal TAS demonstrates a

mildly enlarged uterus with an endometrial cavity distended with blood. Blood is also seen surrounding the uterus (arrows). (B) TAS superior to

the uterine fundus demonstrates a 15-week abdominal ectopic pregnancy. Surgical treatment conirmed abdominal ectopic secondary to uterine

rupture caused by an interstitial ectopic pregnancy.

Pregnancy of Unknown Location

In irst-trimester patients, the initial TVS correctly identiies the

site of in over 90% of patients. 106 In the absence of a well-deined

IUP, or in the absence of an ectopic pregnancy, other indings

can suggest the location of the implantation but are nonspeciic

and can result in diagnostic error. Recently, women with a positive

pregnancy test who have no evidence of either an IUP or ectopic

pregnancy on TVS have been categorized as having pregnancy

of unknown location (PUL). 122,123 he diferential diagnosis for

PUL includes a very early IUP, an abnormal IUP, spontaneous

miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy. 124 he proportion of patients

categorized as PUL depends on gestational age at examination

(and of course depends on the quality of the scan and expertise

of the imager).

In a series of 5318 unselected women in the irst trimester,

456 (8.7%) were classiied as PUL. 106 Of the 456 patients classiied

as PUL, 31 (6.8%) had ectopic pregnancies. he PUL group

beneits from close follow-up because of their high incidence of

ectopic pregnancy. Kirk et al. 106 showed that a single TVS examination

correctly diagnosed ectopic pregnancy in 96.1% of patients

undergoing surgical management. herefore 3.9% of patients

diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy and treated nonsurgically

could have normal or abnormal IUPs. hus it is important to

consider the clinical history and presentation before using

nonspeciic parameters in the management of patients with ectopic



he conventional management of ectopic pregnancy has been

surgical, with resection of the diseased tube. Improved diagnostic

capabilities, including TVS, allow for earlier diagnosis and the

potential for a more conservative approach to treatment. he

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