Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 7 The Pancreas 245





FIG. 7.77 Serous Cystic Neoplasm. (A) Transverse sonogram shows lesion through the spleen (SPL) and left kidney (LK). Calciications and

some larger peripheral cysts are noted. (B) Computed tomography image, rotated and cropped to match the ultrasound image, shows the dense







FIG. 7.78 Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm (IPMN). (A) Transverse sonogram shows massively dilated main pancreatic duct (white

and black arrows) illed with mucin, characteristic of main duct IPMN. (B) Another patient in whom a longitudinal oblique sonogram shows IPMN

causing massive bile duct obstruction. Both benign and malignant IPMNs can cause bile duct obstruction. See also Video 7.9.

Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm

Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) was unreported

before 1982 167 ; other names include intraductal papillary

mucinous tumor, intraductal mucin-hypersecreting neoplasm,

and ductectatic mucinous neoplasm. 154 Unlike mucinous cystic

neoplasm, IMPN arises from the pancreatic ducts, usually in

the head of the pancreas. IMPN occurs in an older population

than mucinous cystic neoplasm and afects men and women


Mucin is secreted into the ducts, causing prominent dilation

(Fig. 7.78, Video 7.9) and sometimes mucin extrusion from the

ampulla of Vater. 166 IPMN oten presents as acute pancreatitis.

Both benign and malignant lesions can cause bile duct

obstruction 168 (Fig. 7.79). IPMN ranges from a benign to an

overtly malignant lesion. Invasive adenocarcinoma is seen in

approximately 30% of resected cases. Invasive or in situ carcinomas

are likely present in about 70% of patients. 149 he overall 5-year

survival rate for patients with a resected IPMN is higher than

70%. 166 Controversy surrounds the evolving management of these

patients. Some believe that asymptomatic patients or those with

lesions of branch duct origin can be observed or treated with

segmental pancreatectomy. 169

he hallmark of IPMN on ultrasound is ductal dilation (Fig.

7.80; see also Fig. 7.78). Findings include lobulated multicystic

dilation of the branch ducts, difuse dilation of the main pancreatic

duct, and intraductal papillary tumors. 170 Because mucin has a

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