Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1102 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography

theorem and likelihood ratios. hey showed that likelihood ratios

could be calculated for each isolated marker, then applied to the

patient’s a priori (presumptive) risk using Bayes theorem. his

resulted in a revised risk of aneuploidy based on the presence

or absence of speciic markers. Table 31.1 shows a comparison

of four studies that computed likelihood ratios for trisomy 21

using isolated markers.

Clusters of markers, even minor ones, confer more risk than

individual markers alone 90,91 (Table 31.2). Winter et al. 89 demonstrated

that the genetic sonogram scoring index and the method

of ultrasound risk assessment using likelihood ratios were

essentially equivalent in the detection rate of trisomy 21. he

advantage of using likelihood ratios is that a patient’s speciic

risk of aneuploidy can be calculated and balanced against the

risk of pregnancy loss associated with an invasive procedure.

Even in the largest studies, the number of fetuses with an isolated

marker is small, leading some to recommend that a revised risk

estimate for aneuploidy is statistically more robust if the overall

likelihood ratio is calculated by the product of the positive and

negative likelihood ratios for each marker. 109,164

Trisomy 21: Revised Risk Ratio Calculations

Revised risk = a priori risk × likelihood ratio (LR)


A 25-year-old woman with a priori risk of trisomy 21 of

1 : 500 based on quad screen.

Detailed ultrasound shows an isolated echogenic

intracardiac focus (EIF) (LR ≈ 2).

Revised risk = 1 : 500 × 2 = 1 : 250



A 39-year-old woman with a priori risk of trisomy 21 of

1 : 1000 based combined screen.

Detailed ultrasound shows EIF and urinary tract dilation (LR

≈ 6 from two markers).

Revised risk = 1 : 1000 × 6 = 1 : 166



Short humerus not used in calculation

A 28-year-old woman with a priori risk of trisomy 21 of

1 : 1000 based combined screen.

Detailed ultrasound shows EIF and short femur. Negative

for nuchal fold, urinary tract dilation, echogenic bowel,

nasal bone, and ventriculomegaly.

Revised Risk: 1 : 1000 × LR for combination of positive/

negative = 4.41 (5.83 × 3.72 × 0.92 × 0.90 × 0.80 × 0.46 ×

0.94) = 1/226

Likelihood ratios in examples 1 and 2 are with permission from

Bromley B, Lieberman E, Shipp TD, Benacerraf BR. The genetic

sonogram: a method of risk assessment for Down syndrome in the

second trimester. J Ultrasound Med. 2002;21(10):1087-1096. 91

Likelihood ratios in example 3 are with permission from Agathokleous

M, Chaveeva P, Poon LC, et al. Meta-analysis of second-trimester

markers for trisomy 21. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2013;41(3):

247-261. 109

Agathokleous et al. performed a meta-analysis of secondtrimester

markers for Down syndrome using data published ater

1995. Weighted independent estimates of detection rates, FPRs,

and positive and negative likelihood ratios for each marker was

calculated. 109

Genetic sonography is best used in conjunction with a priori

risk estimates based on an accepted screening protocol. 163,165-169

Souter et al. 167 demonstrated that serum biochemical marker

analytes and sonography are independent and therefore can be

used in conjunction with each other to modify the risk of aneuploidy.

Several investigators have shown that patients of advanced

maternal age who had a normal genetic sonogram and reassuring

serum screen are at a lower risk for trisomy 21. 90,91,166,169 he

absence of markers has been shown to reduce the risk of trisomy

21 by (60%-90%). 90,91,109,164 his may be even more dramatic as

many studies were published before the nasal bone was recognized

as an important marker in second-trimester risk assessment.

In a recent meta-analysis, the absence of markers conferred

a 7.7-fold reduction in risk of Down syndrome 109 (Table 31.3).

Most studies on genetic sonography were performed in the

time period prior to the use of irst-trimester risk assessment,

whether by combined screening or integrated screening. he

clinical utility of the genetic sonogram ater irst-trimester risk

assessment for Down syndrome is controversial. Rozenberg

et al. 170 performed a multicenter interventional study in an

unselected population to evaluate the performance of irsttrimester

combined screening followed by second-trimester

ultrasound. First-trimester combined screening identiied 80%

of fetuses with trisomy 21 at a screen-positive rate of 2.7%. Using

a thickened nuchal fold or the presence of a major anomaly on

a second-trimester ultrasound increased the detection rate to

90%, with a screen-positive rate of 4.2%.

Krantz et al. 171 performed a simulation study to assess genetic

sonography as a sequential screen for trisomy 21 ater irsttrimester

risk assessment. First-trimester combined screening

resulted in a detection rate of 88.5% with a 4.2% FPR. A follow-up

with genetic sonography using individual marker likelihood ratios

to modify the irst-trimester risk for screen-negative patients

detected an additional 6.1% of trisomy 21 cases for an additional

1.2% FPR, giving a total detection rate of 94.6% and a total FPR

of 5.4%. If a contingent protocol were adopted in which only

patients with a irst-trimester risk between 1 in 300 and 1 in

2500 were evaluated, the additional detection rate would be 4.8%

with FPR of 0.7%, giving a total detection rate of 93% and a total

FPR of 4.9%. hese authors concluded that second-trimester

genetic sonography, if used properly, can be an efective sequential

screen ater irst-trimester risk assessment.

he clinical utility of genetic sonography ater prior screening

for Down syndrome was studied on 7842 pregnancies, including

59 with Down syndrome, who participated in the FASTER trial. 164

At a set FPR of 5%, adding genetic sonography to the combined

screen or the integrated test increased the detection rate of Down

syndrome from 81% to 90% and 93% to 98% respectively. A

smaller increase in detection rate was noted for the stepwise or

contingent protocols, from 97% to 98% and 95% to 97%, respectively.

Other studies have suggested that genetic sonography ater

combined screening or sequential screening may decrease the

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