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476 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography

Key to identifying internal inguinal ring =

inferior epigastric artery







FIG. 13.9 Inferior Epigastric Vessels (IEVs) Are Main Landmarks for Evaluating Inguinal Area. Image 1 was obtained in a transverse plane

about halfway between the umbilicus and the pubic symphysis. The inferior epigastric artery and its paired veins lie along the midlateral posterior

surface of the rectus abdominis muscle. Image 2 was obtained several centimeters inferiorly, and the IEVs lie more laterally. Image 3 was obtained

at a level where the IEVs (arrow) lie at the edge of the rectus muscle. This is the level at which most spigelian hernias occur. Once the origin of

the inferior epigastric artery is identiied, the transducer should be rotated into planes that are parallel (see line 4 on the drawing) and perpendicular

(see image 3) to the inguinal canal—long-axis and short-axis views.


Long axis and short axis—not longitudinal and transverse

TABLE 13.1 Types of Inguinal Hernias

Hernia Type Key Findings Classic Teaching Point

Indirect inguinal

Direct inguinal



Herniated structures enter the inguinal canal lateral

to the epigastric artery and superior to the

inguinal ligament, and extend for a variable

distance through the inguinal canal.

Arise from conjoined tendon, inferior and medial to

inferior epigastric artery. Herniation at the inferior

aspect of Hesselbach triangle.

Arise through the spigelian fascia just lateral to

where it is penetrated by the internal epigastric

artery. The transverse abdominis tendon is

always torn. In most cases the internal oblique

aponeurosis is also torn.

Within the femoral canal, inferior to the inguinal


Most common groin hernia.

Extension into scrotum or labia majora is

almost always due to indirect hernia.

Associated with increased abdominal pressure

(ascites, obesity, pregnancy), older age, and

weak musculature

Sonography shows a complex mass within the

anterolateral aspect of the abdominal wall,

which may contain luid- or gas-illed loops

of bowel.

This type of hernia has a relatively high

association with incarceration.

with known disorders of tissue strength, including Ehlers-Danlos,

Marfan, and Hurler-Hunter syndromes, polycystic kidney disease,

and osteogenesis imperfecta, are at increased risk for inguinal

hernia. 14,19-21

Indirect Inguinal Hernias

he characteristic inding of an indirect inguinal hernia is

abnormal movement of intraabdominal contents (fat, bowel, or

both) through the deep inguinal ring and through the inguinal

canal. In the short axis, the indirect inguinal hernia can be seen

moving into and out of the plane adjacent to the spermatic cord

(in males). 1,8,22,23

Indirect inguinal hernias are the most common type of groin

hernia, being ive times more common than direct hernias. 24 In

boys, the indirect inguinal hernia is the result of a congenital

defect of a patent processus vaginalis. In adults, an indirect hernia

is acquired as a result of weakness and dilation of the internal

inguinal ring. 25,26 Indirect hernias represent a persistence of a

patent process vaginalis. In males the testis descends from the

abdominal cavity into the scrotum, which can result in delayed

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