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CHAPTER 30 The First Trimester 1053




FIG. 30.4 Formation of Secondary Yolk Sac. (A) Approximately 26 days: formation of cavities within extraembryonic mesoderm. These cavities

will enlarge to form extraembryonic coelom. (B) About 27 days and (C) 28 days: formation of secondary yolk sac with extrusion of primary yolk

sac. Extraembryonic coelom will become chorionic cavity. (With permission from Moore KL. The developing human: clinically oriented embryology.

10th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2016. 1 )

Similarly, the rapidly growing embryonic implantation must be

vascularized by the 3-mm stage that occurs at 5 weeks’


During the ith week, the embryo is converted by the process

of gastrulation from a bilaminar disk to a trilaminar disk with

the three primary germ cell layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and

endoderm. During gastrulation, the primitive streak and notochord

form. he primitive streak gives rise to the mesenchyme,

which forms the connective tissue of the embryo and stromal

components of all glands.

he formation of the neural plate and its closure to form the

neural tube is referred to as neurulation. his process begins

in the ith week in the thoracic region and extends caudally and

cranially, resulting in complete closure by the end of the sixth

week (day 42). Failure of closure of the neural tube results in

neural tube defects.

During the ith week, two cardiac tubes (the primitive heart)

develop from splanchnic mesodermal cells. By the end of the

ith week, these tubes begin to pump into a primitive paired

vascular system. By the end of the ith week, a vascular network

develops in the chorionic villi that connect through the umbilical

arteries and vein to the primitive embryonic vascular network.

Essentially all internal and external structures appear in the

adult form during the embryonic period, which ends at 10

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