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CHAPTER 54 Pediatric Pelvic Sonography 1879





FIG. 54.13 Pelvic Varices Mimicking a Multiseptated Ovarian Cyst. Young woman with chronic liver disease and portal hypertension. (A)

Transverse sonogram of pelvis shows a multiseptated left adnexal mass. B, Bladder; U, uterus. (B) Transverse color Doppler sonography of pelvis

clearly demonstrates the vascular nature of the lesion. Pulsed Doppler showed venous waveforms (not shown).

FIG. 54.14 Polycystic Ovarian Disease: Stein-Leventhal Syndrome.

Sagittal sonogram of the left ovary in 21-year-old woman with

secondary amenorrhea, obesity, and hirsutism. The ovary is round and

contains multiple peripheral follicles (“string of pearls”), each of which

measures greater than 5 mm (and less than 9 mm).

accumulate in edema luid and promote luteinization, and level

of 17-ketosteroids may be increased.

Ovarian Neoplasms

Ovarian neoplasms account for 1% of all childhood tumors, and

10% to 30% of these are malignant. hese neoplasms may develop

at any age but most frequently occur at puberty. Abdominal pain

or a palpable abdominal or pelvic mass is the usual presenting

symptom. Symptoms may develop as a result of torsion or

hemorrhage into the tumor. Ovarian torsion is more common

in adolescents than in adults; however, ascites is less common

in girls. 44,45

Primary ovarian tumors can be classiied into three types of

cell origins: germ cells, epithelial cells, and stromal cells. In

FIG. 54.15 Ovarian Edema. Massive ovarian edema in a 13-year-old

girl with masculinization and intermittent pelvic and abdominal pain.

Sagittal sonographic image demonstrates a large, heterogeneous, primarily

hypoechoic mass posterior and separate from the uterus. This mass

contains marked sound through transmission and multiple tiny follicles

(arrows). Calipers, Endometrial stripe. (Courtesy of Marilyn Goske, MD.)

children, 60% of primary ovarian tumors are of germ cell origin,

in contrast to adults, in whom 90% are epithelial in origin. About

75% to 95% of germ cell tumors in childhood are benign teratomas.

However, there is a higher incidence of malignancy in

younger patients. In girls younger than 10 years, 84% of ovarian

germ cell tumors are malignant. he presence of ascites suggests


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