Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1914 PART V Pediatric Sonography



FIG. 54.72 Sacrococcygeal Teratoma in 2-Year-Old Boy With Palpable Mass at Base of Spine. (A) Lateral radiograph of the pelvis shows

lack of coccygeal ossiication and large, retrorectal, soft tissue mass (M) with anterior displacement of the rectum. (B) Sagittal ultrasound shows

a solid mass (arrows) deep in the pelvis posteroinferior to the bladder. (C) Transverse ultrasound over the base of the spine posteriorly shows a

primarily solid mass (arrows) with one small cystic area extending deep into the pelvis.



FIG. 54.73 Sacrococcygeal Teratoma in Newborn Girl With Buttock Mass. (A) Sagittal sonogram demonstrates a large, cystic mass (C),

deep in the pelvis, posteroinferior to the uterus (U). The small amount of luid noted in the endometrial canal is secondary to residual material

hormonal stimulation. B, Bladder. (B) Transverse image over the base of the spine posteriorly demonstrates a complex mass (arrows) with a

predominantly large cystic (C) component.

undetected for longer periods than the large, exophytic masses. 49,228

Malignant teratomas are usually endodermal sinus tumors.

here is a wide spectrum of ultrasound appearances of

sacrococcygeal teratomas, ranging from purely cystic to mixed

or purely solid (Figs. 54.73 and 54.74). Calciications, seen in

one-third of cases, can be amorphous, punctate, or spiculated

and suggest the lesion is benign. Fat within the tumor appears

as bright areas of heterogeneous echogenicity. Large tumors may

displace and compress the bladder anteriorly and superiorly,

causing urinary retention and hydronephrosis.

Neuroblastoma and other neurogenic tumors can arise in

the presacral space in children. Five percent of neuroblastomas

arise in the pelvis. Because of their midline location, they are

considered stage III tumors. Pelvic neuroblastoma has a better

prognosis than intraabdominal neuroblastoma. he pelvic lesions

have a similar sonographic appearance to the adrenal lesions.

hey are solid, echogenic, heterogeneous masses with a 70%

incidence of calciication. Areas of cystic necrosis and hemorrhage

are uncommon 229,230 (see Fig. 54.74).

Rhabdomyosarcoma arising from the pelvic musculature can

manifest as a solid presacral mass. It is usually an iniltrating

tumor with poorly deined margins. Anechoic spaces within a

predominantly solid mass suggest areas of necrosis and hemorrhage.

Calciication is rare. 229 Ultrasound is an excellent method

for identifying and staging rhabdomyosarcoma arising from the

genitourinary tract. However, computed tomography (CT) and

MRI provide more complete information for those tumors arising

from the pelvic side walls. Other predominantly solid presacral

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