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CHAPTER 35 The Fetal Spine 1217




FIG. 35.1 Cross Section of Trilaminar Embryonic Disc (Germ

Disc). (A) Cross section of midportion of embryonic disc 17 days

after conception. The notochordal process is a hollow tube (black circle)

that lies between the ectoderm (EC) (red) and endoderm (EN) (green)

and is lanked by the mesoderm plate (M) (blue). (B) Cross section of

midportion of embryo 21 days after conception. The medial portions

of the mesoderm plate (M) (blue) are organizing into somites (s). The

ectoderm (EC) (red) is folding at the midline into the neural fold, which

will soon become the neural tube. This folding is induced by the neighboring

notochord (solid black circle). Note that the notochord is now a solid

cord that has evolved from the hollow process of day 17. (C) Cross

section of midportion of embryo 28 days after conception. The

neural fold has evolved into a closed neural tube (hollow red ovoid

structure) that has separated from its ectoderm layer (EC) (red). The

somites have ruptured along the medial sides. Migrating cells from the

somites (the sclerotome) envelop the neural tube (red ovoid) and become

the vertebral arches. The sclerotome surrounding the notochord (black

circle) becomes the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs. The

notochordal remnants differentiate later to become the nucleus pulposus

of the discs. The rest of the notochordal cells degenerate and disappear.

AC, Amniotic cavity; YS, yolk sac. (Illustrations by Karen Sauerbrei, RT,


has evolved into a solid cord called the notochord, and the

paraxial mesoderm has developed multiple discrete bumps called

somites, of which there are 37 pairs when fully developed (Fig.


he notochord and the rest of the intraembryonic mesoderm

induce the development of the neural plate in the ectoderm

layer (amniotic cavity side of the germ disc), starting on conceptual

day 18. he neural plate grows in length and breadth until

conceptual day 21, when neurulation begins. Neurulation is the

process of folding of the neural plate into the neural tube,

probably induced by the adjacent notochord. he lateral edges

of the neural folds begin to fuse dorsally into a closed neural

tube in the occipitocervical region, leaving an opening at the

cranial end (cranial neuropore) and the caudal end (caudal

neuropore). he hollow center of the neural tube is called the

neural canal, which will become the central canal of the spinal

cord and ventricular system of the brain. By day 24 conceptual

age, the cranial neuropore closes, and by day 25 the caudal

neuropore closes (Table 35.1).

he cranial end of the neural tube becomes the brain, and

the caudal end becomes the spinal cord. In week 4 conceptual

age, ater the neural tube has formed, the adjacent 37 pairs of

somites in the intraembryonic mesoderm give rise to the vertebral

bodies and vertebral arches that will surround the spinal cord.

A group of cells, the sclerotome, migrates from the somites and

surrounds the adjacent neural tube and notochord. he ventral

portion of the sclerotome surrounds the notochord and forms

the rudiment of the vertebral body. he dorsal portion of the

sclerotome surrounds the neural tube and forms the precursors

to the vertebral arch (Fig. 35.1C). In the fetus, the notochordal

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