Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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100 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography



FIG. 4.34 Metastasis to the Portal Vein From Colon Cancer. (A) Sagittal view of the main portal vein at the porta hepatis and (B) subcostal

oblique sonogram of the left ascending branch of the portal vein show the portal vein is distended and highly echogenic (arrows). There is also

evidence of cavernous transformation, an uncommon accompaniment of malignant portal vein occlusion.



FIG. 4.35 Acute Budd-Chiari Syndrome. (A) Transverse view of liver shows a large, bulbous caudate lobe. (B) Sagittal view of right hepatic

vein shows echoes within the vein lumen consistent with thrombosis, with absence of the vessel toward the inferior vena cava. Doppler ultrasound

showed no low in this vessel.

spared in Budd-Chiari syndrome because the emissary veins

drain directly into the IVC at a lower level than the involved

main hepatic veins. Increased blood low through the caudate

lobe leads to relative caudate enlargement.

Real-time scanning allows the radiologist to evaluate the IVC

and hepatic veins noninvasively. Sonographic features include

evidence of the hepatic vein occlusion (Fig. 4.35B and Fig. 4.36)

and the development of abnormal intrahepatic collaterals (Fig.

4.37). he extent of hepatic venous involvement in Budd-Chiari

syndrome includes partial or complete inability to see the hepatic

veins, stenosis with proximal dilation, intraluminal echogenicity,

thickened walls, thrombosis (Figs. 4.38 and 4.39), and extensive

intrahepatic collaterals 107,108 (see Fig. 4.37). Membranous “webs”

may be identiied as echogenic or focal obliterations of the

lumen. 107 Real-time ultrasonography, however, underestimates

the presence of thrombosis and webs and may be inconclusive

in a cirrhotic patient with hepatic veins that are diicult to

image. 108 Intrahepatic collaterals, on gray-scale images, show as

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