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CHAPTER 21 The Breast 809






FIG. 21.73 Hallmark of Lymph Node Metastasis: Spectrum of Cortical Thickening. In A–D, the anticipated outline of a normal node is

shown in dotted line. (A) Metastases that implant near the midcortical sinusoids tend to thicken the cortex focally and equally in inward and outward

directions. (B) Metastases that implant within the subcapsular sinusoids tend to cause focal, outwardly bulging cortical thickening (“mouse ear”).

(C) Metastases that implant toward the inner part of the cortical sinusoids cause focal cortical thickenings that bulge inwardly into the lymph node

mediastinum (“rat bite” defect, *). (D) Metastases that implant extensively throughout the cortical sinusoids can cause symmetrical cortical thickening

indistinguishable from the cortical thickening caused by inlammation. (E) Cortical thickening so severe that the hilum is obliterated is usually caused

by metastasis and is strongly against the node being benign and reactive. (F) Microcalciications within a lymph node indicate metastasis until

proved otherwise, especially if the primary breast lesion has microcalciications.


Axilla LO MED

LT breast



Fatty LN


FIG. 21.74 Comparison With Adjacent Lymph Nodes to Assess Signiicance of Symmetrical Cortical Thickening. (A) When adjacent

lymph nodes within the axilla show similar degrees of symmetrical cortical thickening, the lymph nodes are more likely reactive than metastatic.

If contralateral axillary lymph nodes show similar degrees of thickening, the risk of metastasis is reduced even further. (B) If the adjacent lymph

node shows normal cortical thickness, the risk of metastasis in the node with symmetrical cortical thickening is increased. (C) When the cortical

thickening is so severe that the mediastinum of the lymph node is obliterated, the cause should be assumed to be metastatic, even when adjacent

lymph nodes are involved to a similar degree.

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