Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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666 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography





FIG. 18.50 Parapelvic Cysts Versus Pelvocaliectasis in Two Patients. Patient 1: Parapelvic cysts. (A) Transverse and (B) sagittal sonograms

show multiple parapelvic cysts mimicking pelvocaliectasis. Patient 2: Grade 3 pelvocaliectasis mimicking parapelvic cysts. (C) Sagittal sonogram

shows multiple anechoic structures in the central aspect of the kidney, initially interpreted as multiple parapelvic cysts. (D) Contrast-enhanced

magnetic resonance image shows contrast illing grossly dilated calyces (*). A single parapelvic cyst (arrow) is present.

incidentally and are asymptomatic, lymphoceles are the most

common luid collection to result in ureteric obstruction.

Lymphoceles can become infected or can obstruct venous drainage,

resulting in edema of the lower limb, scrotum, or labia. 45

Symptomatic collections are drained (surgically or percutaneously)

or undergo marsupialization. On sonography, lymphoceles are

well-deined collections that are anechoic or that may contain

ine internal strands (Figs. 18.58 and 18.59).


Pancreatic transplantation is performed in select patients who

have major complications related to type 1 diabetes. Pancreas

transplant represents the only form of self-regulating endocrine

replacement therapy, with more than 80% of recipients becoming

free of exogenous insulin requirements within 1 year of

surgery. Since 1988 in the United States, more than 15,000

kidney-pancreas transplants and 6000 pancreas transplants

have been performed, with 1-year patient survival greater

than 90%. 3,74

Pancreatic transplantation aims to restore an adequate

functioning beta cell mass and therefore to regain physiologic

normoglycemic function, typically in the setting of insulin

dependent diabetes. Recipients are typically type 1 diabetics in

end-stage renal failure with other sequelae of long-term diabetes

including neuropathy and atherosclerotic disease. Improvement

in glycemic control diminishes the risk of long-term complications

in diabetic patients. 75 In particular, simultaneous pancreas

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