Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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294 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography



FIG. 8.42 Mechanical Small Bowel Obstruction. (A) Sagittal image of right lank shows multiple, adjacent, long loops of dilated, luid-illed

small bowel with the classic morphology for a distal mechanical small bowel obstruction. (B) Transverse image in the left lower quadrant conirms

the multiplicity of dilated loops involved in the process. A small amount of ascites is seen between the dilated loops.




FIG. 8.43 Dilated Hypoperistaltic Segments. (A) Sagittal sonogram in the right lank of a patient with a Crohn stricture shows gross dilation

of the ascending colon. A long, luid-sediment level is seen as a relection of the hypoperistalsis of this segment of obstructed gut. (B) Sagittal

sonogram in a patient with paralytic ileus shows extensive small bowel dilation. Loops are luid illed and quiet with luid-luid level (arrowheads).

See also Video 8.16. K, Kidney. (A with permission from Sarrazin J, Wilson SR. Manifestations of Crohn disease at US. Radiographics.

1996;16[3]:499-520. 21 )



FIG. 8.44 Mechanical Small Bowel Obstruction: Ventral Hernia. (A) Sonogram shows dilated luid-illed loops of small bowel with edematous

valvulae conniventes. (B) Transverse paraumbilical sonogram shows normal-caliber gut lying in abnormal supericial location between two dilated

loops of small bowel (SB).

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