Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 9 The Kidney and Urinary Tract 355



FIG. 9.64 Renal Metastases (Lung Primary). (A) Sagittal sonogram shows iniltrating, mixed-echogenicity tumor throughout the upper pole

of the kidney. (B) Contrast-enhanced CT demonstrates bilateral iniltrating metastases.



FIG. 9.65 Bladder Metastasis From Gastric Adenocarcinoma. (A) Transverse suprapubic sonogram shows a papillary solid intraluminal mass

with obvious bladder wall involvement. (B) Conirmatory transvaginal scan shows the papillary nature of the tumor to better advantage.

at ultrasound is nonspeciic; a solid mass may be seen in the

bladder wall (Fig. 9.65).

Urachal Adenocarcinoma

he urachus measures 3 to 10 cm in length and represents the

obliterated remnant of the allantois. It is lined by transitional

epithelium. he urachal remnant is divided into supravesical,

intramural, and intramucosal portions. Urachal neoplasms are

rare, usually arising in the upper part of the intramural portion

of the urachal remnant or in the lower part of the extravesical

portion of the bladder. 226 Urachal cancers represent 0.01% of all

adult cancers, 0.17% to 0.34% of all bladder cancers, and 20% to

39% of all primary bladder adenocarcinomas. 227 About 75% of

urachal cancers occur in men. 228 Most tumors arise at the bladder

dome at the vesicourachal junction. Urachal tumors have a poor

prognosis and tend to invade the anterior abdominal wall. Most

patients present with hematuria, although other common

symptoms include frequency, dysuria, and mucosuria. 228 At

sonography, a bladder dome mass is seen, oten calciied (50%-

70%). he mass may be solid, cystic, or complex cystic-solid.

Tumor extension into the perivesical fat, space of Retzius, and the

abdominal wall is common. Local recurrence ater resection is


Rare Neoplasms


Juxtaglomerular tumors are rare benign tumors that more

frequently afect women. Renin secretion by these lesions results

in hypertension. At sonography, they are usually small, solid,

and hyperechoic. 229 Excision will alleviate the hypertension.

Leiomyomas are benign tumors that arise from the renal capsule.

hey are usually discovered incidentally but may grow large

enough to become clinically evident. On sonography, a solid,

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