Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-59

Transcranial Doppler (TCD) sonography


indications for, 1598–1623, 1598b

in intraoperative neuroradiologic procedures,

1620–1622, 1621f–1622f

limitations for, 1597, 1597t

orbital approach for, 1592, 1596f

pitfalls in, 1597, 1597t

power settings for, 1597

right-to-let shunt evaluation with, 1614–1618

for SCD, 1591, 1598–1608, 1599b,


sleep apnea and, 1611

submandibular approach for, 1592–1593

technique for, 1592–1596

TPA and, 1622

transtemporal approach for, 1592,


vascular malformations and, 1614, 1615f

vasospasm and, 1608–1610, 1609f, 1610t

velocity evaluation in, 1593, 1595–1596

Transducer(s), 7–8

arrays, 11–12, 12f

hand-held, for breast sonography, 788, 789f–790f

heating, in obstetric sonography, 1038

heeling and toeing of, 768

in interventional sonography, pediatric, 1943

locating needle ater insertion and, 1946–

1947, 1947f

for neonatal/infant brain imaging, 1512

output control and, 50

percutaneous needle biopsies and sterilization

of, 600

second harmonic and, 105

selection of, 12

for obstetric sonography, 1035

Transfundal pressure, dynamic cervical change

and, 1501–1503

Transfusion, fetomaternal, maternal serum

alpha-fetoprotein elevation in, 1228.

See also Twin-twin transfusion


Transhepatic cholangiography, 614–615

Transient double-bubble sign, 1309

Transient elastography, 1764

Transient ischemic attack (TIA), 916

carotid artery embolism causing, 919

Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC)

bladder, 347–348, 350f

genitourinary tract tumors and, 346–348

nonpapillary, 346

ovarian, 581–582, 582f

papillary, 346

renal, 346–347, 346f–349f

synchronous, 346

ureteral, 347

Transitional cell papilloma, lower urinary tract,

pediatric, 1910–1912

Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts

(TIPS), 131–132, 132b, 132f–133f, 463,


Translabial ultrasound

of cervix, 1497

of female urethra, 315, 316f

Transmediastinal artery, 820f, 821

Transmitter, 7

Transorbital approach, for duplex Doppler

ultrasound of neonatal/infant brain,

1574, 1575f

Transperineal biopsy, TRUS-guided, 411

Transperineal scanning, in Crohn disease, 276

Transperineal ultrasound

cervix in, 1497, 1497f

in ureteral calculi detection, 337

Transplantation, organ, 623–624. See also Liver

transplantation; Pancreas transplantation;

Posttransplant lymphoproliferative

disorder; Renal transplantation

Transposition of great arteries (TGA), 1289–1290,


Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)

biopsy guided by, 407–411, 408f

analgesia and, 407

antibiotic prophylaxis and, 407, 408f

anticoagulation and, 407–408

bowel preparation and, 407

indications and sampling for, 409, 409b, 410f

in men with absent anus, 411

mpMRI-TRUS fusion, 410–411

other applications of, 411–412

preparation for, 407–408

ater radical prostatectomy, 411, 411f

side efects and complications in, 409

technique for, 408–409, 408f

transperineal, 411

brachytherapy guided by, 401, 402f

for drainage of pelvic abscesses, 612

for hematospermia, 394

infertility and, 392–394, 393f

of male urethra, 315, 316f

probes for, 386–387, 386f

of prostate, 381–382

prostate cancer, mpMRI fusion with, 406–407,


prostate cancer and, 302, 302f, 403–406,

403f–405f, 406b

in rectal carcinoma staging, 301

rectal cleansing prior to, 387

Transtemporal window

for TCD sonography, 1592, 1593f–1594f

for transcranial Doppler sonography, 948

Transurethral resection of ejaculatory ducts, 393

Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP),

385f–386f, 388

Transvaginal sonography, in peritoneal disease

evaluation, 506, 506f–507f

Transvaginal ultrasound

for acute appendicitis diagnosis, 283, 285f

for adnexa assessment, 566

cervical abnormal indings on, 1503b

for cervix, 1497–1498, 1497f–1498f

diagnostic value of, 258

for drainage of pelvic abscesses, 612, 613f

endometrial thickness assessment with, 545–546

in gestational sac identiication, 1054–1055

for pediatric pelvis, 1870–1871

for placenta previa, 1469

in pregnancy, safety of, 1049

thermal efects of, 38

in ureteral calculi detection, 337, 338f

for uterus, 529, 529b

in yolk sac identiication, 1057

Transventricular valvotomy, 1292

Transverse abdominis tendon, torn, in spigelian

hernia, 483–484, 487f

Transverse mesocolon, 219, 220f

Transverse myelitis, pediatric, neurogenic bladder

in, 1907

Transverse testicular ectopia, 1890

Transverse waves, 2–3

TRAP. See Twin reversed arterial perfusion


biliary, hemobilia from, 174, 175f

bladder, 366

cervical, carotid artery damage from, 946, 948f

dural sinus thrombosis from, 1205–1206

focused abdominal sonography for, 508

to genitourinary tract, 365–366

Trauma (Continued)

to liver, 129–132, 131f

to lower urinary tract, pediatric, 1912

to musculoskeletal system pediatric, 1938–1939,



epididymitis following, 1897

scrotum and, 1897–1898, 1898f

renal, 365–366, 366f

scrotal, 847–851, 850f

splenic, 158, 159f–160f

testicular, 847–851, 850f

ureteral, 366

Treacher Collins syndrome

clets of secondary palate in, 1153

midface hypoplasia in, 1148

Triangular cord sign, in biliary atresia, 1734–1735,

1737, 1738f

Trichobezoars, 300, 1840, 1841f

Tricuspid atresia

fetal, hydrops from, 1423–1424

hypoplastic right ventricle with, 1287

Tricuspid insuiciency, fetal, spectral Doppler

assessment of, 1281f

Tricuspid regurgitation

in aneuploidy screening, 1095

in Ebstein anomaly, 1286

neonatal/infant, cardiac pulsations in veins and,

1578, 1578f

“Trident hand” coniguration, achondroplasia and,

1407, 1408f

Triggered imaging, 65

Trigone, 314

neonatal/infant, in coronal imaging, 1515

pediatric, identiication of, 1871, 1872f

Triorchidism, 1891

Triphalangeal thumb, in Aase syndrome, 1401

Triphasic waveform, 966–967

Triplets, amnionicity and chorionicity and, 1122f

Triploid karyotype, partial molar pregnancy and,


Triploidy, 1078

common sonographic indings in, 1104–1106,

1104b, 1105f

Dandy-Walker malformation in, 1105f

fetal hydrops from, 1429–1430

IUGR in, 1105f

omphalocele in, 1105f

ovarian cysts in, 1105f

skeletal indings in, 1408–1409

syndactyly of ingers in, 1105f, 1406

Triradiate cartilage

of hip, 1923

in sonogram of hip from transverse/neutral

view, 1927

Trisomy 9, horseshoe kidney in, 1345–1346

Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)

common sonographic indings in, 1104, 1104b,


facial clets in, 1151

fetal hydrops from, 1429–1430

fetal omphalocele and, 1325

fetal pentalogy of Cantrell and, 1329

HPE in, 1104, 1105f

hyperechogenic kidneys in, 1351

NT in, 1093

polydactyly in, 1104, 1105f

proboscis in, 1104, 1105f

skeletal indings with, 1408, 1408b

umbilical cord cysts in, 1483

Trisomy 17, biliary atresia and, 1737

Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)

biliary atresia and, 1737

CDH and, 1263

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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