Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1390 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography



FIG. 40.14 Thanatophoric Dysplasia at 33 Weeks. (A) Platyspondyly appears on ultrasound as a thin vertebral body (arrows) with relatively

larger hypoechoic intervertebral disc space on either side of the vertebral body. (B) Correlative lateral spine radiograph. Note the short ribs with

wide-cupped metaphyseal ends.



FIG. 40.15 Temporal Lobe Dysplasia in Thanatophoric Dysplasia at 19 Weeks. (A) Modiied coronal oblique image demonstrates abnormal

temporal lobe gyration with multiple deep sulcation (arrows). (B) Photograph demonstrates correlation with evidence of deep temporal lobe sulcation


demonstration of temporal lobe dysplasia is variable, likely due

to a combination of factors including other striking indings that

distract from the diagnosis, lack of dedicated views, and lack of

awareness of this feature. Wang et al. demonstrated that 79% of

the cases (11/14) had temporal lobe dysplasia detected antenatally

even without routine dedicated views. 61 We suggest that in fetuses

with severe skeletal dysplasia, speciic search for temporal lobe

dysplasia using a low axial plane below the level of the biparietal

diameter (BPD) image and a coronal oblique plane that includes

the cerebellum of midline be added to the institutional protocol

to better visualize the temporal lobe in order to improve speciicity

of diagnosis. hree-dimensional imaging with multiplanar

reformats may also demonstrate these indings.

hanatophoric dysplasia, achondroplasia, and hypochondroplasia

are all related to the FGFR3 gene mutation. 51 Temporal

lobe dysplasia has been described in children with the latter two

conditions; however, the site difers with thanatophoric dysplasia

typically showing the abnormal sulcation in the inferior aspect

of the temporal lobes versus primarily the medial aspect of the

temporal lobes in hypochondroplasia. here is one report of

prenatal identiication of medial temporal lobe dysplasia on MRI

in a case of hypochondroplasia. 63

Other anomalies may include horseshoe kidneys, hydronephrosis,

congenital heart disease (atrial septal defect and

tricuspid insuiciency), radioulnar synostosis, and imperforate

anus. 64

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