Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 54 Pediatric Pelvic Sonography 1885







FIG. 54.24 Ectopic Pregnancy in Young Woman

With Pelvic Pain and Vaginal Bleeding. (A) Transverse

gray-scale image demonstrates a thick-walled

structure in the right adnexa adjacent to the right ovary.

(B) Sagittal gray-scale image shows complex free luid.

(C) Color Doppler sonographic imaging of the right

adnexa reveals a circular, thick-walled structure with

a “ring of ire.”

of the “ring of ire” sign, which consists of high-velocity, lowimpedance

low within the hyperechoic ring, may be another

useful inding. 69 However, this sign is nonspeciic and may be

seen surrounding a normal corpus luteal cyst. Hypotension or

overt shock suggests ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Although TVS

has greatly improved the diagnostic evaluation of suspected

ectopic pregnancy, TAS plays a complementary role by providing

a global view of the pelvis and abdominal contents. 70 β-hCG

measurements are essential for establishing the diagnosis. his

glycoprotein hormone begins to increase in a curvilinear fashion

early in pregnancy and continues to increase until approximately

9 to 11 weeks, when it normally reaches a plateau. he plateau

lasts for a few days and declines at 20 weeks. β-hCG level doubles

on an average of approximately 48 hours when the pregnancy

is normal. In the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, however,

serum β-hCG levels oten rise much more slowly, and a plateau

is reached early in the pregnancy. A less than 50% increase in

β-hCG level in a 48-hour period is almost always associated

with a nonviable pregnancy, whether intrauterine or

extrauterine. 71


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic inlammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the upper

genital tract, usually related to Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia

trachomatis infection. he serious sequelae of this disease include

ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and chronic pelvic pain. Adolescent

females are in a higher-risk group, and thus PID should be

considered in sexually active females with pelvic pain. he

ascending infection may afect uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries,

causing endometritis, salpingitis, oophoritis, pelvic peritonitis,

and tubo-ovarian abscess.

In a study by Bulas of PID in adolescents, 72 anatomic detail

was improved with TVS compared with TAS. Transvaginal scans

showed new abnormalities in 71% of patients, and the level of

disease severity was changed in 33% of patients, which afected

treatment decisions in many of these patients.

Acutely, the pelvic sonogram may be normal. 70,73 In the

endometritis stage of PID, the uterus may be enlarged and

more hyperechoic, may contain a small amount of luid in

the endometrial canal, and may have indistinct margins. he

normal fallopian tube is usually not visualized on sonography.

As the infection ascends, however, the fallopian tubes become

thick walled and ill with purulent material 72 (Fig. 54.25). A

pyosalpinx is a dilated, occluded fallopian tube that contains

echogenic purulent luid. A residual hydrosalpinx is a tubular

or round structure with anechoic luid. Ovarian changes from

PID may include enlargement secondary to the production of

inlammatory exudate and edema and development of many

tiny cysts, which may represent small follicles or abscesses

(Fig. 54.26).

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