Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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220 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography

Dorsal duct



Ventral duct


Drainage via minor papilla only

Dorsal or Santorini

FIG. 7.20 Potential Space of Lesser Peritoneal Sac. Transverse

image demonstrates the potential space of the lesser peritoneal sac

between the stomach (arrow) and pancreas (P).


Ventral or Wirsung

Pancreas divisum

FIG. 7.18 Pancreatic Ductal Variants With Secretions Entering

Duodenum via Minor Papilla. (A) Minor papilla only. Ventral duct

from pancreatic head empties into the dorsal duct instead of the duodenum.

(B) Pancreas divisum lacks formation of the main adult duct

because the ducts from each pancreatic anlage did not fuse. The duct

from the dorsal anlage remains separate from the main duct in the head.

This anatomic variant is present in 5% to 10% of the population.

FIG. 7.21 Peritoneal Relections and Transverse Mesocolon. Transverse

mesocolon (yellow arrow) arises from the anterior pancreas and

duodenum, formed by the parietal peritoneum that invests the pancreas

and duodenum. The transverse mesocolon invests the transverse colon

and forms part of the posterior limits of the lesser peritoneal sac (blue


FIG. 7.19 Normal Pancreatic Duct. Transverse image of the pancreas

shows the appearance of the pancreatic duct as a linear, collapsed

structure in the body (arrows).

he clinical spectrum of acute pancreatitis ranges from a

benign, self-limited disorder (75% of patients) to severe pancreatitis

that may be fulminant and quickly cause death from

multiorgan failure. 30 Mild acute pancreatitis generally resolves

spontaneously with supportive management. Acute interstitial/

edematous pancreatitis results in an enlarged and congested gland

without appreciable necrosis or hemorrhage. 31 Banks and

Freeman 32 found that the overall mortality of pancreatitis is

approximately 5%. Mortality in the irst 2 weeks usually results

from organ failure, and ater that, from infection. Mortality was

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