Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1822 PART V Pediatric Sonography

longitudinal sonograms, the so-called “lying down” adrenal sign 217

(see Fig. 52.12).

In the older child and teenager, the adrenal gland is not easily

depicted by ultrasound, and other imaging modalities are preferable

for evaluation.

FIG. 52.67 Angiomyolipomas. Twelve-year-old boy with tuberous

sclerosis. Longitudinal gray-scale image demonstrates multiple hyperechoic

masses in keeping with angiomyolipoma (arrows).

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an inherited form of

adrenal insuiciency caused by autosomal recessive mutation of

genes that encode the production of enzymes involved in the

corticosteroid synthetic pathway. here is impaired synthesis of

cortisol by the adrenal cortex that results in an excessive accumulation

of androgenic precursors and adrenal gland enlargement.

he majority of cases are caused by a mutation of the CYP21A2

gene that leads to a deiciency of the 21-hydroxylase enzyme.

Infants may have salt-wasting, virilization of the external genitalia

in girls, and precocious puberty in boys. 218





FIG. 52.68 Multilocular Cystic Nephroma. A 10-month-old boy with large abdominal mass. (A) Longitudinal gray-scale image depicts a large

cyst (C) arising from the left kidney. The upper-pole calyces are dilated (arrows) secondary to obstruction by the cyst. (B) Longitudinal gray-scale

image reveals complex nature of the lesion with the large central cyst (C) and multiple smaller mural cysts (arrows). (C) Longitudinal color Doppler

image conirms the cystic, avascular nature of the lesion. (D) Axial intravenous contrast-enhanced computed tomography image reveals cyst (C)

surrounded by compressed renal parenchyma (arrows) and dilated posterior calyces (*).

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