Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1782 PART V Pediatric Sonography







FIG. 52.8 Normal Renal Appearances at Different Ages. (A) Premature infant. Cortex is prominent and more echogenic than the liver.

Prominent hypoechoic renal pyramids. (B) Term infant. Normal fetal lobulations of renal cortex are isoechoic or slightly hyperechoic to liver and

spleen. Prominent renal pyramids are hypoechoic. (C) Term infant. Central echo complex is not prominent because of less peripelvic fat. Renal

cortex equals the liver in echogenicity. Medullary pyramids (arrows) are relatively larger and appear more prominent. (D) Two-year-old child. Renal

cortex is slightly less echogenic than liver. Renal sinus fat begins to develop central echogenicity around vessels. (E) Ten-year-old child. Normal

cortex is less echogenic than liver (L) or spleen. Medullary pyramids (arrows) are relatively hypoechoic around the central echo complex of strong

specular echoes. (F) Fourteen-year-old child. Renal cortex is less echogenic than liver or spleen. Pyramids are much less prominent. Renal sinus

fat is increased.

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