Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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838 PART III Small Parts, Carotid Artery, and Peripheral Vessel Sonography



FIG. 22.20 Varicocele. (A) Longitudinal and (B) color Doppler images show serpentine, hypoechoic, dilated veins posterior to the testis. The

blood low in a varicocele is slow and may be detected only with low-low Doppler settings or the Valsalva maneuver. See also Video 22.3.

at a right angle, as opposed to the right spermatic vein, which

drains directly into the vena cava. Idiopathic varices normally

distend when the patient is upright or performs the Valsalva

maneuver and decompress when the patient is supine. Primary

varicoceles are bilateral in up to 50% of cases. 135

Secondary varicoceles result from increased pressure on the

spermatic vein or its tributaries by marked hydronephrosis, an

enlarged liver, abdominal neoplasms, or venous compression by

a retroperitoneal mass. 43 Secondary varicoceles may also occur

in nutcracker syndrome (nutcracker phenomenon), in which

the superior mesenteric artery compresses the let renal vein. 136

A search for neoplastic obstruction of gonadal venous return

must be undertaken in cases of a right-sided, nondecompressible,

or newly discovered varicocele in a patient older than 40 years 14

(Fig. 22.21). he appearance of secondary varicoceles is not

afected by patient position.

In infertile men, sonography aids in the diagnosis of clinically

palpable and subclinical varicoceles. Sonography is also of value

in assessing testicular size before and ater treatment, because

varicocele may be associated with a decreased testicular volume. 133

here is poor correlation between the size of the varicocele and

the degree of testicular tissue damage leading to infertility, and

surgical repair of subclinical varicoceles for infertility has been

controversial. 137

Sonographically, a varicocele consists of multiple, serpentine,

anechoic structures more than 2 mm in diameter, creating a

tortuous, multicystic collection located adjacent or proximal to

the upper pole of the testis and head of the epididymis. A highfrequency

transducer in conjunction with low-low Doppler

settings should be used to optimize slow-low detection within

varices. Slowly moving red blood cells may be visualized with

high-frequency transducers, even when low is too slow to be

detected by Doppler imaging. Venous low can be augmented

with the patient in the upright position or during Valsalva

maneuver (Video 22.3). Varicoceles follow the course of the

spermatic cord into the inguinal canal and are easily compressed

by the transducer. 3 Rarely, varicoceles may be intratesticular,

either in a subcapsular location or around the mediastinum

testis 138,139 (Fig. 22.22).

Fibrous Pseudotumor

Fibrous pseudotumor is a rare, nonneoplastic mass of reactive

ibrous tissue that most commonly involves the tunica vaginalis.

hese masses are known by a number of names, including

ibroma, paratesticular ibrosis, or inlammatory pseudotumor,

and can become quite large and mimic neoplasms. Most patients

present with a painless scrotal mass, possibly with a prior history

of infection or trauma. Histologically, masses are composed of

hyalinized collagen and granulation tissue and may be partially

calciied. On sonography, ibrous pseudotumors may appear as

one or more solid masses attached to or closely associated with

the capsule of the testis. here may be an associated hydrocele.

Echogenicity is variable and they may be seen as a hypoechoic,

hyperechoic, or heterogeneous paratesticular mass with posterior

acoustic shadowing depending on extent of calicications 140-142

(Fig. 22.23A and B).


Polyorchidism, or supernumerary testes, is a rare entity thought

to result from abnormal division of the genital ridge embryologically.

he supernumery testes are intrascrotal in location in

approximately 75% of cases and present as a painless scrotal

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