Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-38 Index

Mammary ducts

normal sonographic appearance of, 762, 764f

subareolar and intranipple, scanning of, 762,


Mammary fascia, 761, 762f

Mammary zone, of breast, 761, 761f, 763f

Mandible, fetal, normal sonographic appearance of,


Mandibular nasal prominence, 1134, 1134f

MAP (minimal-access parathyroidectomy), 749,


Marfan syndrome, 946

Marginal placental cord insertion, 1484–1485,


multifetal pregnancy and, 1119

Massa intermedia, enlarged, in Chiari II

malformation, 1526, 1527f

Masseter muscle, pediatric, chloroma of, 1641f

Massive splenomegaly, 145, 146t

Masticator space, pediatric, pathology of, 1640,



granulomatous, 803–804

periductal, 771, 771f

sonography for, 803–804

Maternal age, chromosomal abnormalities risk and,

1088, 1089f

Maternal loor infarction, 1473–1474, 1476f

Mathias laterality sequence, spina biida and, 1226

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), 434

Maxilla, fetal, normal sonographic appearance of,


Maxillary nasal prominence, 1134, 1134f

Maximum vertical pocket, 1339

Maximum-intensity projection (MIP), 105–106

Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome,

1881–1883, 1882f

May-hurner syndrome, 456–457

MBO. See Mechanical bowel obstruction

MCA. See Middle cerebral artery

McCune-Albright syndrome, pediatric ovarian

cysts and, 1875

MCDA. See Monochorionic diamniotic twins

MCDK. See Multicystic dysplastic kidney

MCMA. See Monochorionic monoamniotic twins

MDCT. See Multidetector computed tomography

Mean sac diameter (MSD)

in gestational age estimation, 1061, 1061f,

1444–1445, 1445t

of gestational sac

for gestational age estimation, 1444–1445,


small, in relationship to CRL, early pregnancy

failure and, 1066, 1067f

yolk sac and, 1057

Mechanical beam steering, 10–11

Mechanical bowel obstruction (MBO)

aferent loop, 293

closed-loop, 293, 295f

gastrointestinal tract and, 293

intussusception causing, 293, 296f

midgut malrotation predisposing to, 293

sonographic assessment of, 293, 294f

Mechanical index (MI)

for acoustic cavitation, 44–45, 45f

deinition of, 58

microbubbles as contrast agents and, 58, 58b,


in obstetric sonography, 1035

Mechanical sector scanners, 11

Mechanical ventilation, in neonatal/infant brain,

1578, 1579f

Meckel diverticulum

intussusception and, 1844–1845, 1849f

pediatric appendicitis diferentiated from,

1858–1860, 1862f

Meckel-Gruber syndrome

Dandy-Walker malformation diferentiated

from, 1532

fetal brain dorsal induction errors and, 1182

fetal cystic kidneys and, 1351, 1351f

spina biida and, 1226

Meconium ileus, 1310

fetal CF and, 1316

Meconium periorchitis, focal calciications from,

1904, 1904f

Meconium peritonitis


CF and, 1316

hydrops from, 1428, 1428f

liver calciications and, 1316–1318

massive ascites in, 1418–1419, 1421f

small bowel and, 1313, 1313t, 1314f


cystic, 1842–1843, 1846f

testicular torsion and, 1892–1893

Medial ibroplasia, renal artery stenosis and, 447

Medial gastrocnemius muscle, tear of, 858, 859f

Medial nasal prominence, 1134, 1134f

Median arcuate ligament syndrome, 453, 453f

Mediastinal shit, in unilateral pulmonary

hypoplasia, 1246, 1247f


fetal, masses in, hydrops from, 1425

pediatric, assessment of, 1702, 1703f–1704f

pediatric, masses of, 1723–1724

abnormal thymus location mimicking, 1723

anterior, 1723–1724

biopsy of, 1956, 1959f

lymphadenopathy and, 1724

posterior, 1724

thymic index and, 1723, 1724t, 1725f, 1726t

Mediastinum testis, 819, 820f

pediatric, 1888

Medical renal disease. See Kidneys, pediatric,

medical diseases of


adrenal, functions of, 417

cerebral, as foramen magnum approach

landmark, 1592, 1595f

Medullary carcinoma, of thyroid gland, 701–707,


pediatric, 1648

Medullary cystic kidney disease, 359

pediatric, 1816, 1817f

Medullary nephrocalcinosis, 339, 340f

pediatric, 1798–1799, 1799f

Medullary sponge kidney, 339, 340f, 359

pediatric, 1799

Megacalices, congenital, 321

Mega-cisterna magna

fetal, 1189

arachnoid cysts diferentiated from, 1192–1193

normal sonographic appearance of,


neonatal/infant, Dandy-Walker malformation

diferentiated from, 1531, 1534f

Megacystis, fetal, 1360, 1360b, 1360f

megalourethra and, 1362f

Megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis

syndrome (MMIHS), 1362–1363

pediatric hydronephrosis and, 1788–1791

Megacystitis, fetal, thickened NT and, 1096f

Megahertz, deinition of, 2

Megalencephaly, 1194–1195

Megalourethra, fetal, urinary tract obstruction in,

1362, 1362f


congenital, 321, 322f

fetal, 1358–1359

primary, pediatric hydronephrosis and,

1786–1788, 1787f

Meigs syndrome, 585

Membranous glomerulonephritis, 369

Membranous VSDs, 1281

MEN. See Multiple endocrine neoplasia

Ménétrier disease, gastric mucosa thickening in,


Meningeal layer, in myelocystocele, 1233

Meningitis, neonatal/infant, 1560, 1561f–1562f


atretic, tethered cord and, 1679


cranial, 1179

deinition of, 1225t

pathogenesis of, 1226

sonographic indings in, 1218

spina biida occulta and, 1226

posterior, closed spinal dysraphism and

pediatric, 1682–1683

Meningoencephalocele, 1218

Meningomyelocele, fetal cloacal exstrophy and,



endometrial abnormalities ater

bleeding and, 545–546

luid and, 546–547, 546b, 547f

hormone use and, 544–545, 544b, 545f

ovaries ater, 569

cysts in, 569–570, 571f

Menstrual age

deinition of, 1443–1444

usage of term, 1167

Menstrual cycle, interrelationships in, 1050f

Menstruating females, ovarian volume in, 1873,


Mesencephalon, formation of, 1077

Mesenchymal dysplasia, of placenta, 1479, 1479f

Mesenchymal tumors, intracranial, fetal, 1208

Mesenchyme, formation of, 1053

Mesenteric, adenopathy, in acute abdomen, 282

Mesenteric adenitis

pediatric, 1858–1860, 1862f

right lower quadrant pain in acute abdomen

from, 288

Mesenteric adenopathy, in acute abdomen, 282

Mesenteric artery(ies), 451–455. See also Celiac


anatomy of, 451, 452f

celiac artery as, 451

duplex Doppler sonography of, 453–455, 455f

interpretation of, 454–455, 456f–458f


anatomy of, 451, 452f

connections of, with superior mesenteric

artery, 451

duplex Doppler sonography of, 454

ischemia of, 451–453

in median arcuate ligament syndrome, 453, 453f

stenosis of, turbulence ater, 454, 456f


anatomy of, 451, 452f

connections of, with inferior mesenteric

artery, 451

duplex Doppler sonography of, 454

occluded, 454–455, 458f

stenosis of, 457f

Mesenteric cyst(s)

fetal, ovarian cysts diferentiated from, 1369

gastrointestinal cysts diferentiated from, 1860,


pediatric, ovarian cysts diferentiated from, 1875

peritoneal, 509–510, 510f

Mesenteric vein(s)

clots in, in acute pancreatitis, 224–225, 227f


Doppler studies of, best approaches for, 1752

low direction in, in portal hypertension, 1752

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