Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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860 PART III Small Parts, Carotid Artery, and Peripheral Vessel Sonography



FIG. 23.6 Muscle Atrophy. Patient with a remote history of quadriceps injury presented with noticeable volume loss in his right anterior thigh.

(A) Ultrasound of the abnormal right side shows marked volume loss in the rectus femoris muscle (arrows) with echogenic fatty iniltration of the

remaining muscle. (B) The normal left side demonstrates normal muscle bulk and echotexture (arrows).



FIG. 23.7 Normal Quadriceps Tendon. (A) In long-axis view, the normal tendon demonstrates a ibrillar appearance (arrows). (B) In short-axis

view, the tendon is ovoid and echogenic with a speckled appearance (arrows). P, Patella.



FIG. 23.8 Anisotropy. (A) In this long-axis scan of the Achilles insertion on the calcaneus, the proximal portion of the imaged tendon demonstrates

a normal ibrillar appearance (arrow), whereas the distal tendon insertion is hypoechoic (arrowhead). (B) When the transducer is angled 90 degrees

to the distal tendon insertion, the tendon then becomes ibrillar and is normal in appearance (arrowhead). C, Calcaneus.

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