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CHAPTER 45 Neonatal and Infant Brain Imaging 1521




FIG. 45.12 Development of Sulci in a Premature Infant Brain. (A) At 24 weeks. No sulci; occipitoparietal issure (arrow) can be seen; corpus

callosum (short arrows) lies above the cavum septi pellucidi and cavum vergae. (B) At 27 weeks. Cingulate sulcus (arrow) is visible. Cavum septi

pellucidi (C), cavum vergae (V), third ventricle (3), and fourth ventricle (4) are shown in this midline sagittal image. (C) At 33 weeks. Cingulate sulcus

(arrow) now has a few branches. (D) At 39 weeks. Cingulate sulcus (medium arrow) has many branches. Cavum vergae (short arrow) is closed;

third ventricle (3) and cerebellar vermis (V) are shown. (E) Cavum veli interpositum (arrow).

he irst sulcus to form is the primitive, almost square, sylvian

issure, best seen on coronal images 31 (see Fig. 45.3C). Later,

ater infolding of the insula (opercularization), the sylvian issure

becomes a narrow, echogenic issure illed with MCA branches. 30,32

Sulcal development, best evaluated on midline sagittal images,

then extends to the calcarine issure as a simple straight line in

the ith gestational month (20 weeks). 33 By 24 to 25 weeks’

gestation, the occipitoparietal issure is present, but no actual

sulci. By 28 weeks, the callosomarginal sulcus over the corpus

callosum and a simple linear cingulate sulcus superior and

parallel to the corpus callosum are seen (see Fig. 45.12B). By 30

weeks, the cingulate sulcus is branched. Between 33 and 40 weeks’

gestation, sulci bend, branch, and anastomose so that a full-term

infant has many peripheral branches over the brain surface (see

Fig. 45.12D).

Although not used routinely, measurement of the subarachnoid

space on a magniied view of the brain can be done from the

triangular sagittal sinus to the surface of the cortex. Armstrong

and colleagues 34 have reported that the subarachnoid space is

normally less than 3.5 mm in 95% of preterm infants before 36

weeks’ gestation. Closer to term, the values tended to be at the

higher end of the range, increasing slightly on a weekly basis,

which suggests that premature infants have reduced brain growth

during extrauterine life.

Cavum Septi Pellucidi and Cavum Vergae

here is one continuous cystic midline structure in the septum

pellucidum during fetal life. he septum contains the cavum

septi pellucidi anterior to the foramen of Monro (see Fig. 45.12)

and the cavum vergae posteriorly. Both parts are normally present

early in gestation, but they close from back to front, starting at

approximately 6 months’ gestation (Fig. 45.13). By full term,

closure has occurred posteriorly in 97% of infants so that there

is only a cavum septi pellucidi at birth. By 3 to 6 months ater

birth, this septum is completely closed in 85% of infants, although

in some the septum remains open into adulthood. 35 In fetal brain

imaging, Callen and colleagues 36 reported that the columns of

the fornix can be mistaken for the cavum septi pellucidi. On

axial views below the frontal horns, the fornix appears as a cystic

structure with a central linear echo. Absence of the corpus callosum

may not be identiied because the fornices are present

and simulate the cavum between the two frontal horns. Careful

evaluation of the inferior position of the fornices below the frontal

horns will avoid this error.

Cavum Veli Interpositi

he cavum of the velum interpositum represents a potential

space above the choroid in the roof of the third ventricle and

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