Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-58 Index

hrombosis (Continued)

of splenic vein

acute pancreatitis complicated by, 230, 231f

chronic pancreatitis and, 232–233, 234f–235f

SVC, pediatric, 1721, 1721b, 1722f

vascular, pediatric chest and, 1716–1721,



aplastic or hypoplastic, in Fanconi pancytopenia,

1400, 1402f


in diastrophic dwarism, 1382, 1406

diastrophic dysplasia and, 1398, 1398f

triphalangeal, in Aase syndrome, 1401

hump artifacts, 60

hymic cyst, 1652, 1653f, 1723–1724

hymic index, 1723, 1725f

formula for calculation of, 1724t

normal, for children under 2, 1726t

hymopharyngeal ducts, formation of, 1652


fetal, normal appearance of, 1244f


benign abnormalities of, 1723–1724

cervical ectopic, 1723

ectopic, 1652, 1653f

mediastinal masses and abnormal location of,


normal, blood vessels of chest and, 1716–

1721, 1721f

superior herniation of, 1723

hyroglossal duct cysts, pediatric, 1640, 1643,


hyroid artery, superior, 918

hyroid gland. See also hyroiditis

adenomas of, 697, 700f

anatomy of, 692–694, 692f

aplasia of, 694, 694f

carcinoma of, 695, 698–708

anaplastic, 707–708, 708b, 709f

follicular, 701, 701b, 706f–707f, 1648

incidence of, 722, 722f–723f

medullary, 701–707, 707f–708f, 1648

papillary, 698–701, 701f–705f, 713, 1648,


papillary microcarcinoma, 701, 706f

CEUS for assessment of, 692, 714–715

congenital abnormalities of, 694, 694f

cysts, calciications of, 695

difuse disease of, 723–728, 723b

adenomatous goiter as, 727

Graves disease and, 727, 727f, 1646, 1646f

ectopic, 694

elastography for assessment of, 692, 714–715,


ethanol injection for nodular disease of

for autonomously functioning nodules,


for benign cystic lesions, 719, 719f

for solitary solid benign “cold” nodules,


fetal, normal sonographic appearance of, 1136f

hypoplasia of, 694, 694f

incidentally detected nodule and, 720–723,

722f–723f, 723b

instrumentation for, 691–692, 692f

lingual, pediatric, 1639

lobes of, 692

lymphoma of, 708–709, 709f

metastases to, 709, 710f

nodular disease of, 694–723

adenomas in, 697, 700f

carcinoma in, 698–708

ine-needle aspiration biopsy in, 709–710,

710t, 722

hyperplasia and goiter in, 695–697, 695f–699f

hyroid gland (Continued)

lymphoma in, 708–709, 709f, 1648

metastases in, 709, 710f

parathyroid adenomas confused with,


pathologic features of, 695–709

sonographic correlates of, 695–709

sonographic evaluation of, 695b


cancer of, 1648, 1648b, 1649f

congenital lesions of, 1642–1643

cysts of, 1646, 1647f

dimensions of, normal, 1642t

dysgenesis of, 1642–1643

ectopic, 1642–1643, 1644f

follicular adenoma of, 1646–1648, 1647f

hemiagenesis of, 1642–1643, 1643f

hemorrhage in, 1646, 1647f

inlammatory disease of, 1643–1646,


isthmus of, 1640–1642

lobes of, normal thickness of, 1643t

masses of, 1646–1648, 1647f–1649f, 1648b

normal anatomy of, 1640–1642, 1642f,


pseudonodule of, 1646

pyramidal lobe of, 1640–1642

retrosternal, 1723

volume of, normal, 1643t

sonographic applications in, 710–720

for benign and malignant nodule

diferentiation, 696f–699f, 712–714,


CEUS for, 692, 714–715

elastography for, 692, 714–715, 715f–716f

incidentally detected nodule and, 720–723,

722f–723f, 723b

needle biopsy guidance for, 715–720,

718f–719f, 721f

for thyroid mass detection, 710–712,


TIRADS for, 714

sonographic technique for, 691–692, 692f

vascularity of, 693, 694f

volume of, measuring, 692–693, 693f

hyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System

(TIRADS), 714

hyroid inferno, in Graves disease, 727, 727f

hyroiditis, 723b

acute suppurative, 723–724

chronic autoimmune lymphocytic, 724,


de Quervain, 1645

focal, pediatric, 1645

Hashimoto, 724, 725f–727f

fetal goiter and, 1159–1163

pediatric, 1645, 1646f

invasive ibrous, 727–728, 728f

painless (silent), 725–727

subacute granulomatous, 724, 724f

hyromegaly, fetal, 1159–1163

TI. See hermal index

TIA. See Transient ischemic attack

TIB. See hermal index for bone

Tibia, dislocation of, pediatric, 1934f

Tibial artery

anterior, 966

normal appearance of, 966–967

posterior, 966

sonographic technique for, 967

Tibial hemimelia, pediatric, 1933

Tibial tendons, posterior, injection of, 902, 903f

Tibial veins

anterior, 981, 981f

posterior, 981, 981f

Tibioperoneal trunk, 966, 981

Time gain compensation (TGC)

artifacts and settings of, 19–21

control of, 8–9, 8f

output control and, 50

Time-averaged mean of maximum (TAMM)

velocity, 1593, 1605–1606

Time-averaged peak velocity, 1593

“Tip of the iceberg” sign, 582–583

TIPS. See Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic


TIRADS. See hyroid Imaging Reporting and Data


TIS. See hermal index for sot tissue

Tissue harmonic imaging, 13, 13f–14f, 38, 61–62

Tissue heating

spatial focusing and, 35

temporal considerations in, 36, 36f

tissue type and, 36, 36f

Tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), 1622

Tissue vibration artifact, 973–974, 974f

T-lymphotropic virus, 1203–1204

TMPRSS2:ERG test, 396

Tobacco, fetal gastroschisis and, 1322–1323

Toe polydactyly, fetal, 1406f

Toes, sandal, 1406f, 1407

TOF. See Tetralogy of Fallot

Tongue, fetal, abnormally enlarged, 1153, 1153b,


TORCH infections, 1203–1204

neonatal/infant brain and, 1511, 1558

Torsion, testicular. See Testicular torsion

Torsion knot, 844, 845f

Toxemia, pediatric pregnancy and, 1884


fetal brain and, 1204

fetal hydrops from, 1432

prenatal, neonatal/infant brain and, 1558–1560

TPA. See Tissue plasminogen activator

Trabecula septomarginalis, moderator band of,


Trachea, fetal, CHAOS and, 1253

Tracheal webs, fetal, CHAOS and, 1253

Tracheoesophageal istula, fetal

CHAOS and, 1254–1255

esophageal atresia and, 1305

Transabdominal scanning, for placenta previa,


Transabdominal sonography (TAS), for pelvis, 564

Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus (TASC),


Transcranial Doppler (TCD) sonography


functional, 1622

indications for, 1598–1623, 1598b

vasospasm and, 1608–1610, 1610t

for carotid artery examination, 948–950, 950f


ACA collateral low evaluation and, 1610,


angle correction for, 1607

asphyxia and, 1614, 1616f

AVM detection with, 1614, 1615f

brain death and, 1618–1620, 1618b,


in cardiopulmonary bypass, 1621–1622

in CEA, 1621

cerebral edema and, 1614, 1617f

contrast enhancement for, 1597

ECMO monitoring with, 1622

equipment types for, 1591–1592

factors changing indices in, 1612t

foramen magnum approach for, 1592, 1595f

functional, 1622

headaches and, 1610–1611, 1612f

hydrocephalus and, 1611–1614, 1613f

hyperventilation therapy and, 1614

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